End Of Days - does it destroy itself?

When the effect of end of days takes place, does it destroy itself?

I just saw this and it made me think the card doesn’t do what one would expect it to do.

Yes, it destroys itself, but according at least to the compilation PDF:

“when a card is destroyed before it can finish its effect, any remaining effect is cancelled”

Since we all know that ‘simutaneous’ effects actually happen one by one, this means I could choose to destroy all of the things I don’t want and then next choose End of Days. YAY!

Perhaps the unfortunate errata pen needs to change End of Days to read:

At the start of the environment turn destroy all cards in play except for this card and the hero and villain character cards then destroy this card.

or something to that effect. It’s a bit obtuse, but them’s the breaks with rules lawyers.

Wow! Yeah. I’d say elegua’s suggested errata - or something like it - is needed. Interesting that this has never come up, before!



I figured “the players choose the order in which cards are destroyed by End of Days” means you can have End of Days annihilate everything else, leaving it the last/only target in play. Like a delayed, enchantment version of Wrath of God.

Not having the card in front of me, is End of Days not a one-shot? And, if it is, is a one-shot considered to ever be in play? And is it possible to destroy a one-shot card? It may be possible that End of Days is incapable of destroying itself if it is a one-shot.

Stuck at work without my copy in front of me, but I was looking at the card last night, so… yeah.

If I recall correctly, it’s an ongoing that procs at the start of the Environment turn.

That’s right, Ongoing that triggers during the environment, I remember it now.

Hm, you seem right to me,elegua. It also seems like there is no way that was intended.

It also seems AWESOME. End of Days is a woefully useless card, that can only ever be played really in a few situations,

  1. Oh crap, we’re gonna die. This sometimes helps, but usually you die anyway.
  2. Turn 1, if something nasty comes out (electro-pulse explosive comes to mind), but this requires having it in your starting draw.
  3. After Devestating Aroura or similar ability hits.

9/10 times I end up discarding this without hesitation to the first environment that says I need to discard an ongoing card.

Would the order of destruction follow the order they entered play? That would make End Of Days destroy everything else before itself, and then not destroy anything that managed to be played between it entering play and activating.

Card play order is only used to determine when a card’s effect is triggered, not when trying to determine order of action to a card with multiple simultanious targets. In the latter case, the players come to a consensus (or the one who controls the card chooses) which card of the multiple cards targetted gets targetted first.

On one of the post that was asking about whether or not if Forced Deployment is in play and someone plays End of Days would the henchman summoned by Forced Deployment be destroyed or not. The answer was that after End of Days takes effect that there will be no cards left in play. So it sounds like they just need to make a errata.

The difference here (and the reason we don’t need, but may want, errata) is because most cards say “this card deals deals 2 cold damage to each hero target” instead of “destroy all cards in play”. In case 1, we have a card that is doing something (dealing damage) so, if there is no card in play to be doing the damage, it makes sense that the damage would stop. In case 2, there is nothing doing the destroying. Everything is just being destroyed. So even if you destroy End of Days before the end, why would things stop being destroyed?

Here’s another example. There are some one-shots that have an effect that lasts for a period of time, usually until the start of your next turn. Heroic Interception, from Legacy’s deck says “Each hero other than Legacy is immune to damage until the start of your next turn.” Once Heroic Interception leaves play (goes to the discard pile after being played) does its effect still last?

I would think that a card that states a specific end to its effect, that effect would end when at that time regardless of when the card leaves play.

A general rule of thumb, that I use, is that if a card does not state when its effect would end it ends at the end of your current turn or when the card leaves play if it is a continuous effect.

Yes, it lasts. Just like the damage a hero has done isn’t undone if that hero is defeated.

I know I’m late to this party, but I have a question that pertains to End of Days. So, someone mentioned that “simultaneous means one at a time.” This is what happened. With Chairman and Operative out, in a three player game, I played End of Days. It kills off something like five thugs/underbosses. Each death procs Operative’s H-2 damage to hero with highest health effect. Fanatic also has Undaunted (if she’s dealt 1 damage, prevent it) out; she also has the highest health. Normally, killing a couple thugs/underbosses in a turn results in no damage since it’s dealt 1 damage at a time (which is prevented). However, with End of Days, how does this work? Do I resolve End of Days (destroying everything, including Undaunted) and then resolve Operative’s effect, dealing the 5 damage to the heroes, since Undaunted is no longer out to prevent it (and keep Fanatic at highest hp); or do I resolve the Operative’s effect each time a thug/underboss is destroyed right when it’s destroyed and not wait until after End of Days is done resolving (allowing Undaunted to prevent all the damage before being, itself, destroyed)? That would make End of Days a bit more useful.

Edit: I read the official post on End of Days + Forced Deployment… seems like the second (where Undaunted would prevent the damage) is correct, still would like someone to answer to verify…

If you use any effect and that triggers off a second effect then you process the second effect in its entirety (or until it triggers a third effect!) and then go back to the original effect and finish processing that. If multiple effects trigger off of a single effect then you process them in the order the cards came out.

In your example EoD kicks off,
you chose a card to destroy, it’s a villain card, it is destroyed,

the Operative ‘sees’ that a Villain card was destroyed and deals out damage to the highest HP hero
the damage is reduced by Undaunted,
the Operative’s effect is over
and you go back to the EoD effect still in play.

If you had a third effect (e.g. Bunker with Ammo Drop) it would go something like this

EoD kicks off,
you chose a card to destroy, it’s a villain card, it is destroyed,

the Operative ‘sees’ that a Villain card was destroyed and deals out damage to the highest HP hero
the damage is reduced by Undaunted,
the Operative’s effect is over

Ammo Drop ‘sees’ that a Villain card was destroyed, Bunker draws a card
Ammo Drop’s effect is over
go back to the EoD effect and continue

Thanks. Just wanted to make sure.