Hey guys,
Has anyone gotten this box yet and set up their cards? I can't find a sleeve that will fit. Even the really small ultra pro sleeves seem too big. What is everyone else using?
Hey guys,
Has anyone gotten this box yet and set up their cards? I can't find a sleeve that will fit. Even the really small ultra pro sleeves seem too big. What is everyone else using?
Mayday Premium sleeves (63.5 x 88) fit perfectly. However, they basically double the amount of space the cards take up, so unless you JUST have the base game, they won't all fit.
Okay thanks.. I'll look into those. It's a shame that the box can't hold everything though. maybe I'll just look for an alternative storage idea then.
Got a spare briefcase and some cardboard?
I don't have mine yet, but for those who do and DON'T sleeve their games...how much extra room is there (assuming you have Unity and Ambuscade?)
Will the 3rd Expansion fit? My understanding is that it wasn't intended to.
In that case...will the 3rd Expansion be a box the size of the EE so as to then fit the next several expansions within it? I hope they do something like that. They don't need to change the 2-4-2 Hero-Villain-Environment format (though if they want to add more I'm not going to complain)...just make another big box. More expensive yes...easier to transport your whole game and stack on a shelf...also yes. Then later expansions can go back to Rook City sized.
To me it appears a third expansion can fit. However, the box I was looking at was my friends, and he doesn't have Rook City, so I'm guessing based on how much space I believe a double expansion would take.
I don't have a source handy, but if I remember correctly, at least one of the coming expansions is expected to hold most if not all of the other coming expansions. I believe there are four more expansions planned, for a total of six.
Christopher has said that the next expansion will have a box that will fit the next few expansions.
Er, not quite. The next one will be the same size as Rook City and Infernal Relics, so it’ll hold itself. But the one after that will be Distinctly Different, both in box and in contents.
Sorry for any confusion!
Sentinels of the Multiverse: Distictly Different.... I don't know, doesn't seem very catchy...
I hope this doesn't lead to a sketch comedy-themed expansion.
Sentinels of the Multiverse: And Now For Something Completely Different Expansion
All that comes to mind when I think of "superhero comedy" is the ridiculously bad low-budget superhero movies that preceded 1999's X-Men. Seriously, they were awful.
Although, when I think of John Cleese as a superhero, my brain jumps to the image of the weasels from Who Framed Roger Rabbit? laughing until they died. I think I'm going to have to homebrew this character after I finish my Create-a-Villain submission.
Wow! Distinctly Different will be one hell of an expansion. Mind blown.
I haven't sleeved my cards, and with everything in the enhanced box it looks like there will be room for expansion #3. I have two foam pieces on the right side where the villain and environment decks are, and there is room on the left for at least one hero, maybe both (although it will be a tight fit). I don't keep the tokens in the box and have no plan to, so if you do there probably won't be space.
Christopher, will we get dividers from now on with new expansions?
I agree with previous posters that unsleeved, it looks like expansion #3 will fit, barely.
On a slight tangent, what solution are people using for managing the tokens? I've just got them loose at the moment, which is unsatisfactory. I was thinking of just a little plastic zip-loc bag, but was wondering about others' solutions.
Also, there are +1 damage dealt tokens, with -1 damage dealt on the reverse side. -1 damage dealt is a pretty rare modifier.
on the other hand, -1 damage taken is much more common, particularly in villains, but there are only 6 of these tokens. Is this a mistake?
I'm using an acrylic deck box I used to keep my Magic decks in to store the indicator counters. (I can't find images of the boxes I'm using and I bought them around a decade ago so I have no idea where to get them now… ) I have a cloth bag for storing the HP counters - they would fit in another acrylic deck box, but I also have a spin-down d20 (for tracking Tachy's bursts) and some glass beads (to indicate things that the current counters can't, like redirection of damage), not all of which will fit in the box.
We actually have -1 dealt come up a lot in our games - but obviously not as much as +1 dealt. We've actually run out of the +1 dealts, but then we start using other things to indicate multiples (e.g., HP counters or dice on the +1 dealt to indicate the total amount being adjusted).
-1 taken comes up a lot in games: half the heroes have cards that give them -1 taken (that's an informal estimate - haven't actually checked ) and a few of the villains have them, also - in some cases, more than one (e.g., Apostate ).
So far in our games, we've had about the right number of indicator tokens or found easy ways to deal with it (as noted above), but that's us.
Christopher, will we get dividers from now on with new expansions?
Well, I'm not Christopher, but yes, you will :)
Based on the math that we have done, it looks like the next expansion should fit in the Enhanced Edition box. After that, it looks like it might be time for an entirely different sort of expansion...
But what does that mean? GHAHAAAAAAHHHHH!!! You people are terrible!
Is it as simple as a different format from the 2 hero, 4 villain, 2 environment…just a bigger set? Or are you adding/changing basic gameplay premesis?
When do we get the >G promo villain deck where every card is vaguely worded so as to be ambiguous about what it actually does? And it flips as soon as someone does figure something out and redefines all the cards again?
My (completely random) guess is that upcoming expansion will be a second base set. Such that a purchase of that new base set will be enough to play the game (whereas the expansions really don't have enough heroes to play a game, and even both expansions don't necessarily have a broad enough selection). Something along the lines of a lot of *new* heroes, with a few new villains and environments. Nothing rerelease like the Enhanced Edition. But, again, this is just a completely random guess.
Maybe the same base heroes from another time line, so we will have Yellow Legacy, Pink Tachyon, Purple Bunker, etc.
After the next expansion, mathematically, there would be an equal number of heroes and villians, so each hero could have a villian to nemesis pair with. This could open them up to a new game as well (on one of the pod-casts they did before Infernal Relics was kickstarted, they mentioned a few other ideas with some odd codenames). But this is just a theory, I'm hoping what JayMann suggested, that they have a new "introducy" pack that has more heros then villians.