Entry Points

If a room beneath an Entry Point has no game text, doesn't that mean it's no longer a Room?  So a second Entry Point cannot enter play until after another Room is available?  Right?

Correct.  It's still an environment card, but it's not anything else.  You'd need another room in play before you could get another Entry Point to stick.  It is still an environment card, though, so you could still use a Grappling Hook on it or something, but that wouldn't really accomplish anything.

On the other hand, The Desert's Wrath vs. two Entry Points and the Rooms they entered on....not fun.

Sorry for the thread resurrection, but I had been playing it this way, then ran across this:

So the covered room is still a Room, and multiple Entry Points can stack on it.  Unfortunately, it was also ruled that destroying the room doesn't destroy the Entry Points, so this just plain sucks for the players.

Unless there's another ruling or something I'm missing?

I think those cards are going to get some extra special attention (and rewording) when they hit the video game, because as it stands if you can enter an infinite loop if there are no room cards in the deck (and also as you notice per the wording they should immeditely shuffle back into the deck if the room under them is destroyed).

I think the example for that is Infinitor playing through his entire deck. I can't remember exactly how it goes, but you can basically play each card once, and then you're done.

Which doesn't work as currently the word of the card is "If there are no rooms in play, reshuffle this back into the environment deck and play the top card of the environment deck" implying that you shuffle it back in then play the top card.

My guess is the card will be errata’d to play then shuffle in the video game. Actually, I think I’m going to house rule it to that in the meantime.

As to the question of whether cards under entry point are still rooms… I’d say no. Cards under cards like Savage Mana or Omnicannon have no keywords or game text. That makes the “A card under this card has no game text” on entry point completely redundant but doesn’t make those cards have keywords.

Note: this is all just me speculating, I have no specific knowledge as to how this works.

Yeah, I remember seeing discussion about how, for instance, if you eat Dreamer's Projections, then destroy them using Savage Mana's power, they won't go under the Dreamer's flipped side, because they don't count as having the 'Projection' keyword at that point.

(Oddly, though, you can use that exact trick in the video game to unlock Mad Bomber Blade – eat Blood, Sweat and Tears, then destroy them all in one use of Savage Mana.)

I think that’s because the cards keep their names and deck types but loose their keywords, target statud and game text. So Blood, Sweet, and Tears are still their names when under Savage Mana and they’re still villain cards but they aren’t targets or citizens and have no game text.

Actually, wait that’s wrong. If that were the case Citizen Tears “if Citizen Blood is in play” effect would trigger if Citizen Blood is under Savage Mana. I don’t believe it does so maybe cards under cards lose their names as well… was this addressed in a fireside chat, I can’t recall?

If cards under cards lose their keyword status then Entry Point shuffles itself back into the deck as soon as it covers a card (providing there are no other Room cards in play).

I'm not arguing that your interpretation is wrong, just that the cards are badly worded.

I don't think you should take variant unlock conditions as having any bearing on the rules of the game.

The problem is determining what we can consider having any bearing on the rules of the game.  Right now it often feels like I should just set up a dart board and toss things at it.  Sadly most darts would probably land in "Rule 15" or "Go ask Ronway" and be no help at all.