
As I am just using the starter set at the moment, enviroments is probably the one game element I have the least examples for. I thought I would start ths thread to see if people wanted to add enviroments they have created for their games for the rest of us to use and understand more fully.

Also, how big is the enviroments section in the main rules, does it go into detail and explain how to create your own, with examples?


There's already a thread for sharing Environments. (Albeit there are only two pretty specific submission thus far...)

Environments represent the situation a scene occurs in - so it seems natural that those are very specific to the story they are built for.

The core rules have a few select examples of environments, but give a whole chapter of building-blocks to create your own. Put simply, you want to have a good handfull of Twists and Threats of various sizes up your sleeve, and unleash them one by one on the environment turn.

I thought about sharing one or two I made up, but ultimately decided they make little to no sense outside of their story.