Environment Cards vs Hero innate power

Ok, finally the game is arrived in far far away Italy and while I’m translating rules, a question arise:

My hero is Bunker and we play in Megalopolis.
The environment card that say “Hero cannot draw cards” enter play.

Can Bunker use his innate power (Draw a card) to draw a card or not?
It’s, in general, a Hero Innate Power to take precedence over environment cards?

My thoughts is that Bunker cannot draw cards… but I want to know your opinions…

Thanks! :wink:

When an effect states that you cannot do something then no other effect will allow you to perform that action.

In other words if the Environment card states you cannot draw a cards then you cannot draw cards by any means.

Correct! The Conscience gets a correctness point. :smiley:

Yay! I so treasure those points. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless another card says “Draw a card, even if you are otherwise unable to.” (Of course, in that case, it only allows that draw, not any other draw.)

Specifically, you are referencing Bunker’s card “Ammo Drop” which only allows Bunker’s player to play cards when a Mode would otherwise prohibit card draw. Ammo Drop cannot let you draw cards when something other than a Mode is preventing card draw, though.

Ehm… not really.
I’m referencing Bunker’s innate power: Draw a card.

Anyway, thanks for all your response which confirm my original thought.

He was refering to what I was saying.

Ahem, yes, sorry. TheJayMann is correct. I should have put a quote or been more specific in my response. My apologies for the confusion.