Episode 149 of the Letters Page: Writers' Room: Disparation Vol. 2 Issue #21

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Expatriette being normal high school girl with normal high school mother is about the creepiest thing that's ever come across this podcast, and I was surprised at my strong that's just wrong reaction to it. c.c;

Okay, but I never thought I could love Unity more than I do seeing her on that cover. :D And watching Adam draw it yesterday, we got so much story out of the image itself, I can't believe how much more there was still in the episode. It's great hearing them get so excited to work on something like this, and I want more. XD

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Just stating for the record that having Anthony be the guy who's so gosh darn pretty that everyone regardless of actual level of internal heroics still feels compelled to save the day just for his sake is absolutely hilarious and I approve.

Also I am here for a shojo comic about all the magic users and I got a "sure" (and a bunch of laughter) about pretty boy Hippo so my day was complete.

I felt very pleased for you throughout this whole thing. :D

Realized I should mention that, it took a bit due to the Art Mines, but me and Amelia finally realized our campaigns to get pics of Demura-chan and Pretty Boy Hippo. :3

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwC33GWWEAkU76i?format=jpg&name=medium - Anthony
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwC337eXcAQTOQO?format=jpg&name=medium - Hippo