Episode 184 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: Disparation Vol 2 #150



Well, that was fun! Love the sound effects, and how many letter writers leaned in to the XTREME!!! theme. Pretty awesome story, too!

Hope A&C got to take naps afterwards, and that their voices recovered over the weekend since they’re recording another episode tonight!

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Fight economy is amazing. :smiley: That’s gonna be the big takeaway from this one.

Agreeing with Adam, it’s Legos and Lego bucket.

Xtreme Spite? Amazingly awful concept, I love it. (The robo-arms on the cover made me think it was gonna be Xtreme Chrono-Ranger, actually. I see now the white hair was the giveaway.)

Xtreme Court of Blood? I love hearing how much fun they have with this setting.

Oh, but I was right that Chrono-Ranger would show up! :smiley:

Xtreme La Capitan definitely seems like the kind of character you’d really enjoy reading about and be totally devastated when she betrays the heroes!

I love Adam’s criterion for why Xtreme Madame Mittermeier’s would work on Orbo. I also almost died at “ring of pouches”. XD

I imagine Oblivaeon coming across Xtreme Progeny, taking a moment to drink it all in, and just going, “I’m destroying this reality first.”

I agree, I love the Xtremeverse at least as much as the Inversiverse, but it’s much better in small doses every now and then. I could deal with a whole month of Inversiverse episodes. Xtremeverse, not so much.

“The Decemberists” and “hardcore” are not words I would have placed in close proximity. <.< What a tangent that was.

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Oh, I actually found the answer to my last question from this episode by going back to the Temporal Targets episode. The final question there, from Leo Melanson, at ~53:00. Each of Chrono-Ranger, La Comodora, and the Chronoist have their own Concordant Harmonic Entity. La Comodora took hers (the HELM) from a dead time traveler. So it’s not the “canon” universe CON or CHE, and it must’ve been after she ditched Chiquito because she found it herself.

So if I edit part of this post to put it in bold…

and then I edit part of this post to put it in italics…

Is it still the same post?

EDIT - Apparently not…

EDIT - I like the part of this episode where Christopher says “And NOW we start getting weird”… :rofl:

Incidentally, discussion of how exhausting the (e)Xtremeverse is to some people makes me think of a conversation I had with my oldest friend back when the Hugh Jackman movie “Van Helsing” came out (this was back when I still considered Jackman to be worth watching in basically any movie, which I emphatically no longer do as of this year). That movie is VERY over the top, and my friend thought it was TOO much so, whereas I loved it precisely because I felt otherwise. An example of a movie which I do think goes too far is the 2006 film “Ultraviolet”, which I have a very mixed opinion about, but one of the things I would definitely hold against it is how much they overdid the intended tone. Van Helsing turns everything up to 11, which I love; Ultraviolet tries to go to straight from 0 to 15 and just ends up snapping the knob off somewhere around the 7 or 9 mark.

Fortunately for everyone other than the Telenovelaverse, he changed his mind…

See, the secret to X-verse Progeny… Knyfe succeeded in her Headhunter mission. Oblivaeon did not draw gold Progeny from a sun, he drew it from the Xtreme Verse…

Never have I wanted more to see Adam’s art for an entire comic issue!

On the first letter from BC56, Christopher started reading in X-tremevoice, but I just kept hearing Jake Peralta. :rofl:


Not sure if you’re stating this as a fact you know somehow, or just postulating a theory. I for one would not characterize gold Progeny as being particularly Xtreme. A relevant comparison would be the kinda crappy version of Doomsday that we see in the Batman V Superman movie; he starts out about as over-the-top as gold Progeny, and then he starts sprouting spikes and blasting lightning all around himself, and begins to seem closer to something akin to Xtremeverse Progeny, but I would still go farther in order to actually make a version of Progeny that’s more extreme than he already is on Ultimate mode (hello, all four Scion cards at once). Big jagged spires shooting out of him everywhere, maybe some kind of constant sonic thrum all around him that liquefies concrete and makes metal implode just from being within a kilometer…oh, and laser eyes. We already know Progeny has laser eyes when he wants to, so Xtreme Progeny should have bigger, brighter, burnier lasers that he never turns off, so everything he even looks at is atomized, and the creature doesn’t even know what it’s destroying, since all it ever sees is the ash and dust left over from what it’s already obliterated with a glance.

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Theory/headcannon. Sorry, should have been clearer.