Episode 199 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: The Guise Book #50

Guise and Scholar in space!

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Oh boy; this is one of the best episodes we’ve had in a while. I’m going to be pulling philosophical concepts and Justifications out of this episode for weeks. For now, all I’ll say is that the discussion of Entropy vs. Chaos unlocked one of the better explanations I’ve ever had of what Magic actually is, and why it needs to exist as a separate concept from Science (contrary to Clarke’s Law). The discussion of how these two concepts “feel different”, regardless of their meaning within physics, exactly represents the true source of magical power, which is the dimension of higher thought that the human mind reaches across to, while remaining anchored in the world of matter and energy and scientific fact.

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Those cowards didn’t even read my letter.


I’m not surprised, after you broke into their studio to deliver it.

I didn’t break in. I did the Smhcool Schmid man entrance. There’s some difference.

Something tells me the wedding issue will happen even without the campaigning. :slight_smile:

The Celestial Tribunal got crunk with Oblivaeon.

I definitely want to hear what Guise Book #49 is now. :smiley:

Okay, but if I can manage to get my players into space sometime, I’m definitely gonna try and run someone over with a planet. XD

I never get tired of hearing people say when they’ve caught up with the podcast. It becomes more work every week!

Okay, but wouldn’t Guise get mad if Scholar dressed up as Santa? Or would Scholar be the only other Santa he accepted…?

Oh, I get it. Hul’s the singular entity of “no thoughts, head empty”. Why didn’t they just say so? :V

I think you mean Schmool Schmaid…

Head is not empty…head is full…of NOTHING! MWUHAHAHAHAH!!!

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Covid helped, for me. I started in February of '20 and caught up in… October, it looks like. Or, at least, that’s when the file creation dates go from “Page at a time” to “once a week.”

Run over? Psh. You ever seen the Death Battle video of Darkseid vs Thanos? Throwing planets at each other is the mid-game. Of course, I vaguely remember some cartoon from the 80s (or earlier? It was a British one on Nick… I think) where an alien invader was… a planet sized cue ball and the stick was lining up for a shot at Earth.

I’m thinking some kind of banned-in-15-systems device that anchors the condemned to a planet’s orbit (using comic book science, of course), so that when the planet comes back around in a week or so, they get to experience reentry first-hand. :slight_smile:

Thinking of calling it the Trans-Orbital something Tether. I just need to come up with another O-word, and it can be the TOOT. :V


Trans-Orbital Omnidirectional Tether - holds you in the path of the oncoming planet and prevents you from moving in any direction! If you’re going for onomatopoeia here, I can see it being a plot of a cosmically-powered Fright Train! I don’t know that his moustache is suitable for twirling in the style of a silent movie antagonist, however.


Look, Timothy Zahn did a 5-book series based on “train mysteries IN SPACE” (the Quadrail series, if anyone wants to check it out), so I can think of a few plots that would fit there…

Oooh… An alternate universe, like the XTREME verse, but it’s space opera. The MistGate brought the heroes and villains through from there in order to fight the big O’s space-based forces, and some got stuck…


We already have a forumite here who based an entire universe on train puns…


You rang?


Brilliant :smiley:

Pure dead brilliant, even, aye?