Episode 203 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: Tome of the Bizarre Vol. 4 #50

This is what you get when you combine Madame Mittenmeier and Wager Master as a romance


Oh man, that cover! Awesome Eternals homage. I sure hope they tell us who those all are…

Adam making himself crack up with what he admits is his stupidest idea ever feels like peak Adam. :slight_smile:

Not very well written, you say? :eyes: A dream come true!

Man, is this some kind of weird foreshadowing for the two Wager Masters? I guarantee that wasn’t known in specifics ahead of time, but that’s such a weird thread leading up to it.

All-That-Is-And-Will-Be kinda sounds like a name when you put hyphens in it…

Never thought I’d feel bad for Wager Master, dang.

Wager Master coming from an actual real-life bet sounds like a thing I should have known previously but don’t, and it’s perfect.

Feels like it’s been a while since they read a letter I wrote within the period I actually remember writing it! XD


Holy CRAP, that cover! I’m only starting the episode, but I had to say this before anything else.

EDIT: Okay, if they weren’t joking, then this is the first time I’ve ever learned that Wager Master literally started with a bet IRL. Also, the fact that Wags plays by the rules and then actually falls in love is perfect, because “fake it until you make it” is the greatest law of our particular cosmos.

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They aren’t joking. I don’t recall when/where but they mentioned it before. Similar applies to Guise if I recall correctly.

Similar as in what? Guise himself popped out of the metaverse to force a couple of meta-metaverse guys to make a deck for him? How are we ever going to figure out what actually happened in THIS of all cases? C&A are liars to begin with, but Guise is like the veritable god of deception, so I’d have a hard time believing any information even if it was clearly labeled “no seriously, not joking, this is the truth”…because that STILL might be just one portion of some kind of elaborate meta-joke.

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All of this , they made me feel all of this , and we still don’t have art of Madam Mittenmeier. This is cruel


I thought I wanted to see a cover with her, but now I’m considering maybe it’s better if she stays mysterious. Plus, I’m more interested in which Singular Entities are pictured on that issue! Some that have been named before, or totally new ones to tease us?!

Also enjoyed the letter and non-answer about the shadowy figure that led Blade out of the Carnival. I had just listened to the environment episode with MMFFCC and was wondering that myself.


The guy in the middle looks VERY much to me like OblivAeon without his battle armor, though not like what you get when you strip the armor off in the course of an actual battle. It seems more like what passes for casual wear with him, and is sufficiently similar to what Sanction wears to make me think he did the Singular equivalent of throwing his coat away near a homeless bum, who then wears your coat and might be mistaken for you by a casual observer. (Then again, it also reminds me of Count Barzakh, so maybe it’s just an outfit Adam enjoys drawing.)

I’m guessing the one on the right is The Fervor, and I wonder if the tentacle-ball thingy on the bottom right is some sort of manifestation of Xxx’huul. But what I really want to know is why the one on the left looks a LOT like Immutus the Last Fortrian.


But what I really want to know is why the one on the left looks a LOT like Immutus the Last Fortrian.

My guess is that they share the same inspiration (Celestials), more than actually having a Sentinels connection. Would be interesting to see what they say about it though!

And I highly doubt that’s OblivAeon, especially with what they said about him in the episode. If this were right before his big event, he’d have his “battle armor” already, seeing as that’s physically a part of him.

Seeing how awesome the Singular entities look in this cover almost makes me want to play a PVP brawling game with them. Something similar to King of Tokyo.


The one on the left is clearly the giraffe. :V


So, is “if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes” a saying about everywhere, or is that just me? Heard it about New England, Colorado, the Midwest, the Pacific Northwest …


It seems common across a lot of the US for sure.


First off, great episode. I had no idea where this was going, and it did not disappoint. I love the idea that Wager Master summons a Convergence for something like this, both very important and cosmically meaningless, and I’m going to be pushing for “The Wedding of Wager Master” to be a story the instant we’re far enough down the road for the second Wager Master to interrupt it!

One small correction, though: Christopher was incorrect when he said that ‘demisexual’ meant ‘having less sexual attraction’. Demisexual people are people who only (or mostly only, spectrums are a funny thing) experience sexual attraction after forming emotional bonds. My understanding is that it can make dating difficult, because you have to build up a connection first in order to know where you stand and a lot of dating works the opposite way - starting with a sexual connection and building up an emotional one.



On the one side, you hear “You’re a nice girl [or boy], but I don’t see you that way” a lot when you flirt (because of course usually you’re good friends with someone and then fall in love with them *).

On the other side, when people you don’t know flirt with you, you have no idea how to react.


* And of course all the modern demonizing societal narratives about this are extra fun to put up with.


Okay my headcanon now is that the guy made out of blue fire is the SE of magic, and the Celestial looking one is the SE of secrets wearing a helmet to hide his face. Those bumps all over could be his eyes, each looking at a different point in spacetime which is otherwise unobserved.

Still no idea who other than OblivAeon the middle guy could be.

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I’d agree with blue fire head being Talontus (Magic), and I can definitely see the red lady as Fesauthia the Fervor (Passion). If I had to pick the others, yellow robot is Sannhet (Logic) and big dude in middle could be Malavox (Conquest). Of course, I fully expect at least one person to write a letter demanding all their identities.


These are all good choices! :open_mouth: