Episode 210 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: Neighborhood Watch #5

Also, just because I love it so much and I think it’s good Hedgelord advertising, his writeup also has a picture of him gardening:


I love that second picture and I love that his name is Dirt XD

Hedgelord is the best.


I have finished the episode and have thoughts, which I will list because everyone’s doing it and I’m a real bandwagoner.

Now that I have context for the cover, I’m less scared of it but for some reason every time I look at it all I can think about is that Akash’flora grew a face and became a hippie.

I would watch a “Reaction Video” to Letters Page episodes. Heck, I’d do a reaction video for Letters Page episodes.

Demon Cat (is it one word or two) is wrong, they actually wrote about Demons at both the start of the month and the end of the month as all cats are demons, which I suppose makes their name redundant.

From the sounds of it, Mr. Chomps has competition.

I like the idea that Guise doesn’t like Casa Nova because they remind him of Wager Master and he’s worried that when they visit they won’t use the coasters he very clearly laid out on the coffee table in plain view! They’re going to leave rings on the glass and it’s going to take forever to wipe them off! Wait, where was I going with this?

The way they describe Dinah’s power in response to Level Up Leo’s question makes her sound like a Gacha Game.

Speaking of the Banana Game, I wonder if Guise ever learned how to live Banana-less. Hmm… I should write a letter about this. In fact, I will do that right now.

So, yeah.


@Guise-Cat, are you just gonna take this slander?

And as a person that lives with cats myself, I am also deeply offended. My cats are fluffy and adorable, and only sometimes wake me up in the morning with wailing moans because I’m not in the same room as them (which is clearly my fault, and something I’m working on). At least they don’t go pooping on other people’s lawns or screaming at every stranger (or friend) that walks near my house.


Dinah. Real name Dinah Duncan and villain name Dinah-Dozen


Every cat owner says that. I have yet to meet one that is telling the truth. You’ve all been brainwashed.

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Nimrod (boy)

Yuki (girl)

No, I’m pretty sure these two just can’t do any harm. I mean sure, they’ve pooped on the floor and eaten my shoes some times, but who hasn’t made that mistake?


That second one looks like they’re gonna murder you if you don’t get that camera out of their face.


Nah, that’s just how cats normally look. Remember, they’re only somewhat domesticated killing machines (which is why cats should be indoor only… otherwise many species of birds and ground mammals may become endangered). Guise-Cat sounds a lot like a few that I’ve known. Like my Dad’s cat that will only let him or my step-mother pet her, and anyone else will get growls if you come close.


That second one is a Tortie. They have the well known Tortietude. My wife has a Tortie. It took a year before that cat stopped trying to kill me when I walked by.


She’s a Torbie (part tabby), but she’s actually super friendly! She’s a big lap sitter and loves sitting at the end of the bed. Her biggest problem really is just that she eats paper. She also plays fetch!

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Slander? More like a compliment. You think these claws are just for show? >shinkt<

That’s right.


Okay, listening to these episodes at work is a baaaaaad idea. It’s impossible for me to concentrate while buzzing with so many new ideas.

The idea of Dinah Dozen is cool enough that I immediately needed to make an expy of her. However, I absolutely hate the stereotype that men are “bad at emotions”. If that’s true at all of recent generations, it’s only because the stereotype itself caused parents and teachers to fail at properly socializing boys. I’m really annoyed with Christopher for repeating this tired old “don’t ask your father” cliche, and further annoyed with the general “humans are terrible” attitude. I like cats too, but I really wish people today would stop trashing our species, our gender, and any other form of group identity. I find it very sinister and nauseating. My expy of Dinah will definitely be a male, and I would want to find the most talented male writer I know to work with me on really doing justice to him and bringing him to life.

Not going to list off my other various petty comments, but I do have to say this was one of the best after-credits gags they’ve ever done. I kinda want to use a spring-coiled constrictor snake in an rpg session sometime just as an easter egg. Maybe it can be guarding a passage between two large, round hills.

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