Episode 219 of the Letters Page: Creative Process: Scholar Villains

I’m sure it’ll be just fine………


I liked the circus origin, but if you ask me they really missed the opportunity with their first “_____ Man” character to tie it back to the beginning. Carl S. Badde is Cave-Man, the man that’s also an underground cave filling with water! Imagine the team up potential with Man-Grove!

“Domo arigato, you’re in my grotto!”

Okay, admittedly it’s a work in progress. I feel like the foundation is rock-solid, though. Hopefully it won’t collapse under its own weight. :smirk:


Probably couldn’t use Cave Man due to Captain Cave Man


Taking me waaaay back there! You’re right, probably not. GEICO might have something to say, too. Shame though…


I feel like the right person to go through Scholar’s houseboat and reconstruct his life from what he left behind would be the Wraith. She notably trained with him, and she is a detective.

Maybe she sees the houseboat abandoned and washed up, and it feels weirdly familiar even though she can’t place it.


When they were discussing the third member of the circus and hit ‘trapeze artist’, I shot bolt-upright in my chair and silently yelled “THE AMAZING MABLE!”

But sadly, this did not turn into a situation in which one-third of a villainous trio went and joined La Capitan.


I think she’s from an earlier time period, though, isn’t she?


I had the same two thoughts. “It’s Mable! No, wait… she’s from MUCH earlier.”

I’m wondering how many of them actually remember Scholar. :confused: And what does that mean for them individually if this major nemesis just no longer exists, they have no memory of them, etc. :unamused:


To be honest, I could not for the life of me remember what we have about Mable’s backstory.

I in fact wrote in with this question before I was done listening to the episode! :slight_smile:

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From episode 96

Mable Griffin, The Amazing Mable, Acrobat: When is she from? The early 1900s, when circuses are really popular. She was part of a specific traveling troupe that was all black women acrobats (The Amazing Aerial Angels - the members of the troupe all had alliterative names and she was the Marvelous Mable in the show). They would go from circus to circus as they were a more independent act that would get hired on for a show here and there as the prejudices of the day prevented them from getting a permanent job/meant that they didn’t want to be locked into unfair conditions. One time they had a job at some weird carnival with a ridiculously long name. The other members would go off somewhere (backstage, out of the tent for whatever reason, etc.) and disappear until she was the only one left. When she goes to look for them she finds that the whole carnival is now empty. She thinks she hears something in a tent and goes in only to now find herself lost in time - luckily, there’s somebody we know that kind of hangs out there and picked her up. So, she’s kind of got a secondary mission of her own to find the rest of her troupe. She takes the name “The Amazing Mable” in remembrance of the group as a whole.


Wow, Christopher. :clap: Amazing story. I am impressed and glad you were able to help all those people.

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Two things appear to have gone missing: this episode, and the forum thread for the following episode, Editor’s Note #57. The latter simply doesn’t exist; perhaps nobody thought to create one, and maybe that’s just as well, as the thing I was motivated to comment on there was mostly just a pet peeve I was going to complain about; y’all can live without, I’m sure. But it does seem as though all you July People really enjoyed this episode, and I’d like to know why it now either returns a 404 error or simply refuses to play.

It does seem like for some reason you need to choose Download This Episode if you listen via the Libsyn page, but otherwise the episode is there.

And the reason there seems to be no Editor’s Note #57 thread is because the title was misnumbered: Editor’s Note #56

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Whoops. That’s been corrected

The download gives me a 404.

Heh, I admit I had noticed at the time, but didn’t say anything because it didn’t seem important and I didn’t want to look pedantic. Welp.

I genuinely have no idea what’s going on, then. If I hit the play button on the episode’s page, that does nothing, but clicking on Download This Episode does. I can also play it through my podcast app and on Spotify.

Do they upload on YouTube or anything like that? Maybe there’s another location someone could link me to.

Nope, it’s just Libsyn and other major podcast apps