Episode 239 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: Dark Watch Vol. 1 #47

This reminds me to agree with Christopher that the Peanut Butter Oreos are too cloying.

I bought them recently from a sale because usually I love all things peanut butter and chocolate, but when I tried it, it was just… too much. It was like… the Oreo equivalent of when you eat a bit too much peanut butter and it sticks in your mouth. Bleah.

When they started discussing it, I was thinking they went with Most-eo because Moreo was already in use for a smaller cookie, because 6x the filling is ridiculous.

Like you have progressively more filling from Normal → Double Stuff → Moreo → Most-eo

But then I googled it and Moreo is some custom-oreo thing that’s made by a different company so I don’t know what’s going on anymore.

Also normal oreos have the perfect amount of filling and I am pro-mint.

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As a lifetime peanut butter-lover, I’ve always been disappointed in the peanut butter Oreos. There’s just something about them that doesn’t quite work for me. Now, if they made them with vanilla cookies, that might be something…

It blows my mind, but Oreo thins are possibly even more perfectly balanced. They are really good! And this coming from someone who thought the Mega Stuffed needed more filling. :V

wanders in to see if people feel C&A hit the prompt

Oh, this thread contains 80% debates about Oreos! Clearly the cursed romance must be Oreo flavors.


But, on topic, I bet there was a significant slice of the fandom on board with that romance.


Maybe at first but as it dragged on I can see it being soured upon.

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Joking aside, I could see some story potential in what Apostate did. Think of it this way, what if he decided to break up Dark Watch intentionally because of how fun watching the Prime Wardens implode was? So, to get inside, he had to create an alternate identity, that was strong enough to not immediately trigger whatever wards Nightmist and Harpy have around themselves. So everything about “Matthew” was completely genuine, but it was also a mask.

This leads to an interesting look at nature vs nurture, because in the end, he had a choice, and chose nature, chose deception.


Yeah, particularly with the repetition of “is he being evil this time? No. What about this time? Yeah, but he apologised. And this time? No. And this time?” I feel like that part would get old.


I was thinking something like that with perhaps a third writer trying to justify all the times that the readers were told that Mathew was genuinely trying to change by having Apostate talk about the event later by saying “Just like you mortals I am best at lying to myself.”

The true “bad romance” mentioned in the issue was Apostate and the flesh child Impostate.


I dunno, the Apostate/Unity suggestion actually caused some nausea…

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I haven’t tried them, but Cookies & Cream Most Oreoes makes sense to me. If it were normal creme, that’s too much creme flavor. But if the creme itself has some cookie flavor in it, that would balance out.

It certainly makes more sense than my own pet peeve flavor, Hot Chocolate-flavored ice cream.