Episode 256 of the Letters Page: Writer’s Room: Tome of the Bizarre Vol. 3 #90

Looks like it’s Assistant Poster’s Month here at Sentinel Comics, so apologies for the late topic post. But don’t let that delay you from diving right in to this week’s terrific team-up!

Letters Page #256

And looks like I need to figure out the code to do the fancy “Here’s the cover and blurb!” thing they normally do.


Pretty sure you can just cut and paste from the page itself. Let’s see…

"The nicest fellow and the edgiest twins, but as 90s as all get out!
We come in with no concrete ideas… and yet hit the ground running on a three part story sure to shock and amaze! Heroes! Cults! Thrills and spills! We’ve got 'em all, and more!

We also read letters, answer questions, and leave frustrating crumbs about future content in unplanned ways, as per usual!

Join us next week: Tuesday, August 1st: Episode #257 - Writers’ Room: Parse in space! And then… GEN CON!!"

That seems to work.

Someone really needs to tell Scholar to go shop for some new clothing already. I’m all for comfortable old clothes but he’s carrying it way too far. Guy’s probably wearing worn-out flip-flops with holed socks too…


I believe the usual way it’s done is by simply pasting the bare URL and uploading the image, like this:

Bare code:


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I just adore the guy’s expression on the cover. :smiley: “Count Beardo LIIIKE!”

I don’t think I would accept rent from spiders. <_<

I know so few people who actually have arthropod fursonas, I actually don’t know if there’s a name for them. :open_mouth: Like, “chitey” sounds like a damn slur. I’d just call them “buggies” myself…

I’m with Adam, Christopher got caught in the death cave this year. c_c No way was that one entire year ago!

Also, I only just barely remember Lion Man as it is, c’mon. c_c

Love how the pieces of this story just fall into place, that is really fun to watch.

Crystal Cult DS&PS variants when?

“We didn’t say they were good at things.” I was really looking forward to this episode because the more we learn about DS&PS, the more I like them. :smiley:

Ooh, a hero fight even! :smiley:

I kinda like Colombo Scholar though. :slight_smile:

I feel like I get why someone would say the Scholar is like Sans, but I don’t think it’s true. <_< Also, this letter is absolutely nuts.

If you haven’t heard “Jessica”, change that, it’s really good.

A thousand points for “bad space choices”.

Captain Eduardo Blackboard variant for La Capitan when. :smiley: I am so glad we could get this deep pre-Sentinels lore! Someone be sure to ask them for more at Gen Con! It sounds like it’s gonna be a trip regardless. XD

Where is Powerhound?
Is he safe?
Is he alright?

One of those rare cases I wish I was on TLP Discord so I could post a lengthy comparison of Sans and The Scholar that Christopher and Adam would see.

I hadn’t thought about it, but I see it. They’re both portly, wise, and easygoing. They’ll let people make their own decisions so they can learn from their mistakes. They’ll let people be sort of evil if that’s their thing, but if they’re too evil, it’s time for a smackdown. Sans certainly lets this get farther than Scholar before intervening, though; Scholar is actively a hero while Sans is not.

Hang on, did they just imply that all the extra Las Paradojas Magnificas get scuttled and dumped into the Evil Guise Black Hole?? That can’t possibly go badly!

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I still don’t know about this. There’s some obvious parallels in their attire, and they both know more than they let on at first glance, plus they are really supportive - sometimes at their own expense.

However, Sans is like 90% immature jokes, too. He literally gets introduced trolling the player character with a fart cushion. And he shuns responsibility, at least that’s how he acts (come on, he doesn’t even manage to feed his pet rock regularly!). Scholar to me presents as laid-back and relaxed whereas Sans comes across as downright nihilistic.

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I have been wondering about Edwardo Blackboard and his educationeers since they first mentioned him.
Nebraska Educational Televison (NETV) produced at University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) had a show called I-Land Tresure where a pirate and a schoolmarm genie follow a treasure map by solving puzzles based around simple English lesson and logic.

Oh yeah. Ending spoiler:


If you manage to get the not-quite-genocide ending, the surviving monsters offer Sans the throne. He refuses, and a random pomeranian becomes ruler.

Hold the phone – there was a Werewolf Haka era?!

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If I remember correctly, it lasted about a year of publishing time.

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Wow, I forgot that we had any information about that.

Found the reference: “In what issue did the Werewolf Haka story begin, and in what issue did it end? It was a year-long story, beginning in Tome of the Bizarre vol. 3 #91 (October 1995, coinciding and crossing over with Prime Wardens vol. 1 #118) and getting resolved in PW #130 (October ’96).” - Sentinels Wiki on The Letters Page: Editor’s Note 64


I’m fine. Just was on vacation so couldn’t as easily post.