Episode 295 of the Letters Page: Writers' Room: Cosmic Tales Vol. 2 #188

Ramping up the spookiness with Tempest as we prepare for the really spooky month of November.

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Two hours, holy crap. XD

Wake up, Adam, your friends and family miss you! :frowning:

Honestly, it’s kind of nice to hear them not know where they’re going with a story for once, the last quite a few have seem fairly well planned.

Tempest sees dead people!

Let’s hear it for space cassettes! :smiley:

The motifs and everything of this issue are fantastic. I have to wonder if this all fits in one issue of a comic book, even!

Spiders are the worst!

Oh boy, it’s the deep sky theorists at it again, eyeroll :V

Grimm confirmed to exist in the RPG. :eyes:

I really like this letter digging into Tempest’s DE design. More of this, please!

Eww, Orbo fumes. XD


I agree with how enjoyable the deep dive (pun unintentional but enjoyed) into the DE thought process was. I completely forgot that he had a scientist background, and how that plays into Displaced Ambassador answers my primary confusion with that card’s effects.

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