Episode 3: Akash'Bhuta Victory!!!!



Tempest - GreyWind

Haka - Ronway

Team Leader Tachyon Zalrus9

NightMist - Pydro


Realm of Discord



Opening hand: Cleansing Downpour, Localized Hurricane, Shielding Winds, and Into the Stratosphere

TLT Opening hand: Synaptic Inturruption, Supersonic Response, Hypersonic Assult, Lightspeed Barrage



NightMist HP 27

Opening hand:

Elder Ring, Enlightenment, Mists of Time, Oblivion

Wait for a 5th? Anyone want in?

Round 1

Start of the Villain Turn


Play a Villain Card

Ensaring Brambles

End of the Villain Turn

Ensnaring Brambles prevent Tempest from dealing damage until the start of the next Villain turn.


Akash'Bhuta - Chaos-Bound Creator

HP 200

Cards in Play

Ensnaring Brambles HP 9



Additional Effects in Play




Setting up the Document here in a little bit.

Also Haka has two copies of Haka of Shield, Enduring Intercession, and Ground Pound as a starting hand. Looks like i'll be playing a Haka of Shielding!


HP:  26

Start of Turn:


Play a Card:

Shielding Winds

Use a Power:

squelched by the Brambles

Draw a Card:

Chain Lightning




HP: 34

Hand: Haka of Shield (x2), Enduring Intercession, and Ground Pound

In Play: None.

Trash: Empty.


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Haka of Shielding drawing Taiaha and Savage Mana, discarding Enduring Intercession

Use a Power: Crushing the Ensnaring Brambles for 2, bringing them down to 7 HP.

Draw a Card: Savage Mana

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 34

Hand:  Haka of Shielding, Ground Pound, Savage Mana (x2), Taiaha, Vitality Surge

In Play: nothing

Trash: Haka of Shielding, Enduring Intercession


Notes:  I think i'll be breaking out the trusty Taiha next turn! Drew a Vitality Surge thanks to Tachyon.


Team Leader Tachyon

HP: 28

Hand: Synaptic Inturruption, Supersonic Response, Hypersonic Assult, Lightspeed Barrage

In Play: None.

Trash: Empty.


Start of Hero Turn: nothing

Play a Card: Synaptic Inturruption

Use a Power: Team Leader. EVERYBODY DRAW A CARD! Draw Quick Insight

Draw a Card: Lightspeet Barrage

End of Hero Turn: nothing


HP: 28

Hand: Supersonic Response, Hypersonic Assult, Lightspeed Barrage (x2), Quick Insight

In Play: Synaptic Inturruption

Trash: nothing



Thanks to TLT, I now have Call Forth. my turn was so simple before, just play Elder Ring. Now should I play call Forth instead? What should I discard?

it depends on if you have anything with a 3 or 4. Any card other than Oblivion sounds like a good card to discard, as Oblivion may be needed if Akash manages to get a lot of her limbs out at once. I tend to discard Elder Rings if they are 3 or 4s, as the Call Forth will most likely get one back in your hand anyways.

Enlightenment (3), Mists of Time (4), Elder Ring (3).

Jeez man, that does make it a tough call. It's a big toss up between Mists of Time and Elder Ring. As Mists of Time can become very useful, but it is a 4 which is sad as 1 can make a big difference. While Elder Ring is a 3 and you will almost surely get another one. I'd flip for it!


HP: 27

Hand: Call Forth, Enlightenment, Mists of Time, Oblivion, Elder Ring.

In Play: None.

Trash: Empty.


Start of Hero Turn: Nothing

Play a Card: Call Forth. Flipped a coin. Got heads. Forgot which card was heads. Discarding Elder Ring *3* (with TLT and the other cards in my hand we have a lot of drawing power if I don't get another Elder Ring). Got an Elder Ring :), Starshield Necklace, Amulet of the Elder Gods.

Use a Power: Investigation - Got another Elder Ring and Mist-Fueled Recovery

Draw a Card: Planar Banishment

End of Hero Turn: Nothing


HP: 25

Hand:  Enlightenment, Mists of Time, Oblivion, Elder Ring x2, Starshield Necklace, Amulet of the Elder Gods, Mist-Fueled Recovery, Planar Banishment

 In Play: Nothing

Trash: Call Forth, Elder Ring

Tempest drew an Electrical Storm.

Realm of Discord

In Play: None


Start of Environment Turn: Nothing

Play a Card: Explosive Bubbles HP 5

End of Environment Turn: Explosive Bubbles deals 2 damage to Akash'Bhuta (198), Haka (reduces by 2 for no damage), Tachyon (26), NightMist (23), and Tempest (24)


In Play: Explosive Bubbles HP 5

Round 2

Start of the Villain Turn


Play a Villain Card

Mountainous Carapace

End of the Villain Turn

Ensnaring Brambles prevent Tempest from dealing damage until the start of the next Villain turn.


Akash'Bhuta - Chaos-Bound Creator

HP 198

Cards in Play

Ensnaring Brambles HP 7

Mountainous Carapace HP 11



Additional Effects in Play

Reduce damage dealt to Akash'Bhuta by 1. Tempest Can't deal damage.



NM is at 23 (I used her power).

Funny, I got it right on the document, but miss typed it here!

I don’t have it in front of me, but does Brambles effect me now?