The fabled 300th episode.
Not just an ignominious start, that’s flat harrowing!
A charlie horse so bad it leaves bruises? D: Oh my god, do not want!
The Seer! XD
Adam warned us yesterday there was a segment that was just a list of villains, and it would be boring and Trevor might not even leave it in, but I’m glad he did, this is very useful and not boring at all.
Hm, doesn’t Prospect basically have Parse’s powers then?
I remembered Tightrope!
Ray’s Eraser! He’s back!
That is a lot of villains, holy butt.
Okay, that explains why I can never picture Antimox when they talk about him, good to know.
They were involved in the fight, and don’t call him Shirley! XD
So the Gluenion is stronger when they stick together, yeah?
Baseball bats? Those will never work!
They’re like the Cult of Gluin’ or something.
Yo, Plague Rat Aeon Men, that’s rad af
Oh, there are remnant FILTER factions in the RPG? I’ll have to remember that if I ever run my game again…
I had to rewind that last WalkingTarget question, that is wild!
Wow, Count Barzok is a dick! :V Who knew?
Oblivaeon, who is bigger than a breadbox…
iGuy, the i stands for “intrusive”.
Can Guise be fascinated by a piece of cheese?
That question for 300 episodes would get me to stop listening. XD
I had to leave with like 15 minutes left in the recording, so I can’t quite sum up my thoughts. What an episode! What a nice, round number!
Was Necrosis or Doctor Toxica mentioned for the villains? If so, I missed them.
i don’t think so