Episode 301 of the Letters Page: Creative Process: Who is Deathfiend

You get two types of episodes in one.

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It’s funny to me that Christopher’s starting point for the look was “needs a mask but not looking like Spite” because before even starting the episode, on seeing the cover art in the preview, my immediate thought was that Deathfiend is RPG-era Spite after going through both Agent of Gloom and Aeternus. Cuz like hoodie aside, Spite does in fact have big white hair in his mutated state (and to some extent in his Agent of Gloom version).

Well, actually that was my second thought, my first one was “the Winter Soldier is wearing Ultron’s faceplate”.

But actually I love the idea, this is basically the Sentinel Comics version of Marvel’s Erik the Red. I mean in terms of character history, not in terms of being a bondage viking.


By the end of this episode, we will be definitively able to answer the question: Who is Deathfiend? :slight_smile:

Anyone else disappointed that question didn’t show up on the cover? More comic covers with copy!

Rock climbing in the snow? This seems a new level of insanity.

“Sentinel Conflict” is such a good name for something.

I like this idea of a villain that really no one knows about already.

So we got a big guy with a mask and no hoodie!

Oh no! Why didn’t they keep the F sword? XD That’s amazing!

The mention of wrist daggers reminds me, someone mentioned Razor Racer in the art stream yesterday, and I am shipping them even harder now lol

Thank you, Adam, for recognizing that your friend and his brother have the same cousin XD

This editorial mandate to hasty correction plot is something Sentinel Comics needs more of if you ask me lol

This is fun! They need to do stuff like this more often! :smiley:

Really solid memeing there, gentlemen. :slight_smile:

Oh wow, deep cut with Mickey Boyle there! I do love that they can make their own deep cuts.

Chairman vs. Deathfiend is such an exciting matchup, I never would have expected that!

Can Deathfiend IV have the F sword? D:

Is Spite Deathfiend??? :scream:

Oh my god, as soon as Christopher launched into the spiel, I knew it had to be Hippo, what a coup. :smiley:

I love him turning himself in and then escaping later because he forgot he doesn’t like jail. XD

YES! ALPHA 2000 VS. DEATHFIEND! No, wait, let it happen, please!! D:

My guess is Zhu Long! XD

…Oh wow, Char was actually my second guess, that’s so cool. :open_mouth:

Oh my god is this getting confusing lol

I definitely want to see neon Deathfiend.

Oh man, they can’t just tease a real answer and then not give it to us! I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules!

How can he not have a deck? D: It’s so obvious!

I do it because someone has to! :3

Don’t worry, you don’t have to present them with an award because they’ve already done it themselves!

I’d say I want that Rambler/Guise crossover, but I feel like we got the climax of it, or at least the most important part already.

So there’s another Rambler/Biomancer story called The Right Hand of Darkness, right? RIGHT??

I’m so disappointed, I fully expected Biomancer came up with his own punny Fleshchild names. :frowning:

Mad about comics? Something that could only happen in the metaverse, I’m sure. :V

Phaedra? Good Baths song!

Who knew Biomancer embodied “perfect is the enemy of done”?

Rex Stealskin? That’s so good!

Trevor got that audio engine-ear.

Gosh, I wonder who Deathfiend is. :open_mouth:

They forgot to answer one important question. WHICH is Deathfiend? :thinking:

Or maybe the moral of today’s story was Death is the Fiends we make along the way. :skull::headstone:

There was line in the Biomancer section that made me think there’s got to be a Grimm story where Biomancer plays the role of Geppetto and makes a Pinocchio fleshchild. Okay, it was Mariner’s question about what power could turn a fleshchild into a real person.

Also, isn’t the OmNOTron-X “flesh”-child just an inside-out Terminator? Thin metal shell with fleshy bits inside.


Thank you for your service. :saluting_face:

Char I think is my favorite of the Deathfiends.

You know, I want the secret one to be someone like Thermos, but I am so bad at guessing that it will probably ruin anyone’s chances if I name them.

Also - I am confused because the name of the villain hangout in Rook City is “Wretched Hive”, and the card name is “Scum and Villainy”, yes? Do they just keep mixing this up or has this become canon by now?


Amusing. I rejected “Deathfiend” as a potential character name during Bad Nineties Comic Week on my blog because it didn’t live up to the high standards of Ang-Gorr, Savager and Bludshed.

Don’t know who this jackass is, but I can hear Paul Hogan telling him his knife is woefully inadequate in an Australian accent.

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I think it’s them mixing it up every time. As far as I can find there’s no card for The Wretched Hive nor reference to it or “scum and villainy” in Definitive Edition yet.

Did anyone get the first impression from the cover that Deathfiend was the love child of the space bounty hunter from Cosmic Tales #531 (Greaser and Fashion team-up) and Eclipse? Just something about knives and masks with hair.

Yeah, the card’s name is Scum and Villainy, and the bar is The Wretched Hive:

And I don’t believe the Wretched Hive has been mentioned in Definitive Edition yet either, but it seems to be C&A’s policy not to retcon lore things with the edition change, even if it is just a silly Star Wars reference. (Maybe one of the Metaverse comic writers was just a Star Wars fan and also made the same reference C&A did with the EE card?)

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This was asked and answered on TLP (yes).

I also guessed Hippo and Char before they got there. Although I was amused that their starting premise was that Deathfiend would be someone who already existed in comics, and that was correct only a third of the time.

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Although we don’t know about one of them, so they might be someone who already exists.

(I feel like it’s likely we’ll never will find out. :pensive: The only place we’re likely to find out is SCRPG stuff, which takes a long time to come out, and it doesn’t seem likely this will be in any of the things in the current plan. Maybe in the Dark Watch book, I guess? The latest update had that at 60% written, but that was in July so who knows how far along it is now. I suppose it could be in one of the annual Gen Con adventures, but there are probably bigger stories to tell, first…)

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I sincerely hope that’s not what they’ll be going for (and I don’t read your post as you wanting that either, but correct me if I am wrong).

Like, I enjoyed the episode (even though I noticed that the longer ones for me are difficult to find the time for, which makes it harder to even start listening), but… There are still so many post-OblivAeon blanks people have been waiting for to be filled, and foregoing the chance to learn about those in order to instead do something about a villain that was created pretty much on the spot would make a lot of people unhappy I think. :confused: