Setback jobbing out to the Adhesivist
After today’s episode, we will be able to definitively answer the question, “Who is Deathfiend?”
I said this last night, but that’s one of my absolute favorite covers, so pleased to see it getting a feature. Let’s hear it for Glue Globes Glenn!
A beautiful brisket umnal day?
Actually, the answer I’m hoping gets answered is what exactly a “notable defeat” is. Is this going to be a story where the hero specifically doesn’t win? Or is it just that the cover used for the incapacitated side of the variant makes it look like the hero’s on the back foot? Also what’s with the giant rat monster in the corner?
“4 is April” I feel that, it’s always August for me
Ah, so Setback just has to set himself on fire and he’ll be unstoppable.
Dry and bitterly cold? That sounds familiar. -_-;
Wait, what year is this? 1991? So the last line, most likely, of the original run of Transformers is what would have been on shelves, Generation 2 didn’t launch till '92. Micromasters and Action Masters were the last toys to release, though that was 1990, who knows what was still lurking around at that point? I was 10. :B
Getting to see them reverse-engineer a story from a cover is also pretty interesting.
I’m glad they went away from running out of air, because the solution to that is “punch le through unglued wall” <_< I mean, it might still be, but…
“Oh, that’s what the A stands for.” Top ten Setback moments of all time.
The glue creeping up Absolute Zero’s cold beam is such an awesome image.
Aww, no Gluemobile?
Pretend the glue is a monkey! Shock it!
Okay, so we’ve got a notable scene where it looks like Setback has been defeated in the middle of the issue, used for the cover, now we know. Or at least Setback defeated himself as well as the villain lol
Yeah, it’s really crazy that Sentinels has been around long enough for someone to grow up with it. Like, whose parents weren’t already fans who got them into it, anyway.
Glue jokes, or glokes.
Yeah, Adhesivist can be like Tachyon’s Captain Cold, that super works.
This letter exaggerates, Adhesivist clearly has but a single pouch on this cover.
It’s so weird how much the Letters Page dilates time.
Gosh, who knew Setback had the capacity to be a brooding loner?
How dare they not assume there will be another 300 episodes! :V
Yeah, Epochordate definitely stood out to me, glad these followup questions are getting asked.
Since uh when is Man-Grove friends with Muse? O_o What??
Adam is so tired XD
That was a good cover section.
Re: Epochordate:
I looked through all the cards previewed in the Disparation kickstarter and I really only saw one card that could be reasonably described as an it or thing that seems like it’d be “instinctively malicious”, and it’s, well, this…
Could be wrong, but I didn’t see anything else that seemed likely to have special name but not be recognizably a person. I had previously assumed that was something like Akash’bhuta’s briars, but maybe it’s something stranger.
Epoch Or Date? Two timey words if it has something to do with time travel. Or it could just be a nonsense mashed up name that no one else has used.
Chordate is one of the largest phylums of animals, covering all veterbrate life along with a handful of other things.
Presumably, an Epochordate is a portmanteau combining Epoch and Chordate, indicating some form of ancient life. Maybe it’ll turn out to be some kind of godzilla-esque thing; they’ve mentioned that Sentinel Comics is low on those in the past.
I wonder if Sobek will be the Ennead’s Critical Event? Also curious if he dies before OblivAeon or if he would be the only Egyptian deity to survive the event, maybe serving as a nemesis/example for Marty Adams-Anubis.
Or, dare I say - maybe a cool love interest.