The brambles brought them together.
Oh my god, is that really what edgy Wraith looked like in the 80s holy crap! XD
Damn, I live in the snowbelt and we didn’t get that much snow. <_<
“The Ghost of the Final Christmas” remains just one of the best names for anything ever.
Weird, I remember Stevie, but I didn’t think she was related to Haunted Fanatic.
Oh! So that’s what the Bloodless Reliquary is for! We need to send in more letters/episode topics about the Diamond Manor Relics.
I’m honestly impressed by the “there is literally only one issue this could happen in”-ness of this story.
Oooh, Man-Grove’s #1 fan gonna be eating good today.
I get that there’s a lot of jokery going on here, but this guy is actually a great one-off villain. XD I do hope he either comes back as a demon or just shows up as a tormented soul in Aeternus sometime.
God, I hope Wraith gets this variant in the game.
This is so edgy and metal, I love it. XD
The grove that walks like a man and also has another, smaller, man inside.
Okay, I think Lusithar is now my favorite Prince of Aeternus lol
This is every bit as good as Darkstrife vs. Painstake, with Fanatic ending up being the reasonable one. You love to see it!
“Home!” ;_; Aww, buddy! I love him!
Now they have to keep track of the ongoing continuity of letter writers? XD How’s it feel, guys?
The callout to Elizabeth. XD
Old Scholars never die, they just fade away.
I can’t remember have we had a discussion about DE giving us a SWAMP environment deck with Man-Grove as the signature target?
Diamond Manor is probably as close as we’re getting to that.
It’s for the RPG rather than the card game, but I made an environment somewhat like that that featured him.
I’m amused at how the cover turned out.
Christopher: “Bloodless Wraith should look basically like regular Wraith, but with shadow magic tools instead of her normal ones, and shadow-stuff instead of her bandages.”
Adam: Draws Wraith in a bikini with little bits of black electrical tape that conceal nothing
Is that what happened? I found the cover to be such a turnoff that I haven’t even listened to the episode. Reading this, I hope they streamline their art process when it comes to the team box, seeing that Vengeance is mostly in the 90s, but my hopes are low and the prospect of looking at mostly similar art when playing team mode is definitely lowering my excitement for that expansion.
And yes, I understand that “this is what comics looked like during those times” but they don’t anymore for reasons and whether this style needs to be brought back in the 2020s in full force is, in my opinion, questionable.
Again, just my opinion, I am past trying to change anyone’s mind on this
That raises (or is it “begs”?) the question: will most of the Team Box art be from the '90s? For the Vengeful Five, almost certainly, though I could see Ermine and Fright Train having some art from before then and later on, as they were both fairly active at those times. And if (as it seems most folks suspect) it also includes all the VotM villains, then that’ll tip the scales significantly away from being majority-'90s, as looking at that list of villains, most of them seem to be from around the '00s or '10s (which makes sense for the solo-villains-turned-team-villains, as those iterations of the characters have to be later in the their stories) or have been around for a while (e.g. Biomancer).
Hero-wise, I think the prevailing guesses are Scholar, Guise, Naturalist, Akash’Thriya, and Young Legacy or Rambler. All of those have had significant runs before and/or after the '90s.
(FYI not trying to shut you down or say that you’re WRONG, Faralis; your post just got me curious and I wanted to explore the possibilities.)
It wouldn’t all be 90s as it would need to include VotM villains that would be from 2000s on. You also had the Vengeance Returned setup by Biomancer in 2008.
Given that we were told to expect all Team Villains to be in one box, that’s at most a third of them (probably less; I expect to get at least one new Team Villain deck) explicitly from the Vengeance story, and as fjur mentioned, Ermine and Fright Train have a lot of activity elsewhere.
I’m also still not sure whether the format will be at all the same. I hold out hope that it will be completely different, and the Vengeful Five won’t be five individual decks out of 15+.
Yeah, I remember that big fandom blowup a while back about saying DE art was too sexified, and while I thought it was a little overblown an argument up until that point… I have been raising an eyebrow at a few of the covers Adam’s been doing lately.
I think he’s been doing a few too many Thirsty pics on his stream and then forgetting to flip the code switch for Sentinels art.
The actual episode wasn’t a big deal, though.