Episode 308 of the Letters Page: Writers’ Room: F.I.L.T.E.R. #4

No fighting or fing around to fix this issue.

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Damn, that cover looks awesome.

I put less sugar in my tea than shows up in a can of pop! >:V Tea is a vehicle for sugar!

Okay, I was wondering about Steel Team 6 lol

Loving this ‘lots of Paiges’ idea.

British and quite fay, apparently!

Adam bringing up Sentennial XD

Ooh, Paige Huntley being the administrator is fantastic. :smiley:

Adam and I said “Do and disturb” at the same time. :smiley:

A 1 in a stat will give you a -5 modifier if I’m not mistaken.

More K.N.Y.F.E.s than you’ve had hot meals! Or golden guns!

How have I never heard anyone refer to close-quarters combat as CQC before? That sounds so much cooler!

Who came up with Virtuoso of the Void Jim Brooks? What a concept! :smiley:

So thankful Adam did a morbin’ time joke. :slight_smile:

Oh no, now I feel so bad for Man-Grove. D: Help him!

Don’t feel bad, guys, the actual comic was good. :slight_smile:

Haven’t listened to this episode yet to know what context was meant here, but I do know they once joked a long long while back about a Disparation story where a Virtuoso version of Jim plays the harmonica.


they forgot that they already told the Ambuscade vs werewolf Haka story.
For those who don’t remember it ends with Haka in a silver net coming to at dawn with Ambuscade telling him that they were no longer a thing until he got his **** together


I laughed so hard at that. I understand them forgetting some lore they dropped here and there, but forgetting a whole episode is a new one.

You have not played a Metal Gear Solid game, then. That’s the only other place I’ve ever heard it, but it’s used extensively.

If he’s the Golden Gunman, he shouldn’t be a Virtuoso. But now I really want to come up with whole lines of alternate Void adepts. The Veterans of the Void, the Voyagers of the Void, etc.

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October 2023, not as recent as I thought. But still new enough you’d think Adam would remember drawing the holographic cover.

The Golden Gunman, Vigilante of the Void?


“But I walk these streets, a loaded six-string on my back.”
—Jim “Bon Jovi” Brooks


Plus “Golden Gunman” seems like a well-enough Virtuoso name to me (after finally catching up with the episode). He can still play the harmonica, lol.

That said, they have floated alternative [somethings] of the Void before, so that’s also an interesting take.

I put in a vote for Honest Tea, now Just Ice Tea. It has just the right amount of sugar to be tasty without giving you diabetes.

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I dunno, “Adept” isn’t a musical term either but the Argent Adept is a Virtuoso.

I assume the Golden Gunman uses a guitar, although as noted a harmonica is also an option.

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I’d say out of our known Virtuosos, half of them have musical names, the others don’t.

(Though I admit to having had a minor chuckle at them having Anthony’s predecessor be “he” and have a male name, yet his codename is the Chartreuse Chanteuse. Probably because “chanteur” admittedly doesn’t rhyme quite as nicely.)

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Not a lot of military or law enforcement folks in your friends circle, maybe? I hear it a lot from vets I know. They get a good chuckle over gamers who use “melee” to refer to CQC.