Episode 4: The Ennead (Advanced)

The Ennead


Haka (cmschex)

Mr Fixer (Kharnel)

The Visionary (Pydro)

Tempest: Freedom! (ketigid)

The Wraith: Price of Freedom (Mezike)


Time Cataclysm


I want to say Advanced, because Advanced is more fun, but since Advanced Ennead is one of the toughest fights this game has to offer I'll leave it open to the players. Roll up, roll up! All are welcome, just pick a hero on the list, draw an opening hand and prepare to be slau- err, fight the good fight! :D

I'm alsways up for Advanced Ennead.  Regular is fun, but advanced is my favorite fight in the game.

As for who, I'd play anyone but prefer Fixer

Count me in! I'll take Fixer

BlueHairedMeerkat, are you taking a hero? i wouldn't mind joining but I have been in the first 3 games. If you still need someone I will join, but let's see if anyone else wants to first.

I might take a hero, but probably not. I'm content just running stuff for this game.

I'll take any hero, probably whoever that is left unpicked.

 I'm up for advance too.

Ha, it's funny that everyone wants to be Mr. Fixer what with all the threads on here about how broken he is supposed to be :wink:

I am up for this one, no preference on which hero as it appears that I missed the Mr Fixer boat already. Then again, on the back of all the old discussions about Four Legacies and Four Ra's, is the world ready yet for Four Fixers???

Four Fixers would be amazing, all multi-target damage gets redirected, grease gun + slavage yards all over the place, nothing but irreducible damage. Would be fun

Let's do this! Pydro's in (assuming he wants to be), because that way we get five, and I've slotted y'all into the hero slots in the order you turned up.

Round 1

The Ennead (Advanced) - The Power of the Ennead

Nuit [S] - 28

Tefnut [H] - 29

Geb [H] - 32

Isis [H/A] - 26

Set [S][H] - 26

Cards in Play: The Shrine of the Ennead


Additional Effects: -1 damage to all villains except Nuit


Start of the Villain Turn: Osiris enters play.

Play a Villain Card: Taste of Immortality - Atum enters play.

End of the Villain Turn:


Nuit [S] - 28

Tefnut [H] - 29

Geb [H] - 32

Isis [H/A] - 26

Set [S][H] - 26

Osiris [A] - 27

Atum [A] - 30

Cards in Play: The Shrine of the Ennead

Trash: Taste of Immortality

Additional Effects in Play: -1 damage to all villains except Nuit

Visionary opening hand: Prophetic Vision, Cerebral Heorrahage, Psychic Maelstrom, Brain Burn. 

A couple of things about Visionary: I will need some suggestions on when/who to use the cards/power on. Right now I have Prophetic Vision and Enlighten.


Also, I found it useful to setup a google doc with all the key pieces of information. It puts most of the thigs you will need to know on a single page.

Don't forget to change the title of the thread to Advanced and take out "players wanted."


Name Haka

HP: 34

Hand:  Haka of Shielding x2, Rampage, Te Moko

In Play: none

Trash: none

Additional Effects:


Start of Hero Turn:

Play a Card: Te Moko

Use a Power: Crush Nuit (26 HP0

Draw a Card: Taiaha

End of Hero Turn:


HP: 34

Hand:  Haka of Shielding x2, Rampage, Taiaha

 In Play: Te Moko


Additional Effects:

Name Mr Fixer

HP: 28

Hand:  Jack Handle, Charge, Meditation, Bloody Knuckles

In Play: none

Trash: none

Additional Effects:


Start of Hero Turn:

Play a Card: Jack Handle

Use a Power: Strike hits Nuit for 1 (25 HP), rest for 0 (damn)

Draw a Card: Pipe Wrench

End of Hero Turn:


HP: 28

Hand:  Charge, Meditation, Bloody Knuckles, Pipe Wrench

In Play: Jack Handle


Additional Effects:


HP: 26

Hand: Prophetic Vision, Cerebral Hemorrhage, Psychic Maelstrom, Brain Burn

In Play: None

Trash: None

Additional Effects: None


Start of Hero Turn: None

Play a Card: Prophetic Vision

Use a Power: Enlighten myself - Drew Telekinetic Cocoon and Mental Divergence, discard Cerebral Hemorrhage.

Draw a Card: Mass Levitation

End of Hero Turn: None


HP: 26

Hand:  Psychic Maelstrom, Brain Burn, Telekinetic Cocoon, Mental Divergence, Mass Levitation

 In Play: None

Trash: Prophetic Vision, Cerebral Hemorrhage

Additional Effects: None


Notes: I will probably play Mental Divergance next turn, unless there is a serious need for Mass Levitation

I would assume Wraith might want it depending on opening draw.  I'm fine and it seems like Fixer has a strong hand with Meditation

I'd be inclined to say Enlighten yourself,
would be good to get some Precognitions or Twist the Ethers. Starting out with 7 of them on the first turn . . . Yeesh. But I guess we don't know the starting hand of the others yet.

EDIT: But yeah, I agree, definitely skip me regardless.

Ok, will wait for Wraith's starting hand. We need to wait for the top 3 environment cards anyways. At least I know which card to discard if I Enlighten myself (1 damage to 3 targets, bleh..someone take her out).

We have a Rift in Time, a Charging Triceratops and a Crushing Hallway.

No Crushing Hallway.  If we don't do any more damage this round to Nuit, Trice will hit her for 3, otherwise it'd be Tempest.  rift in Time could be useful if I find a Dominion

No crushing Hallway. :) Felt is was worth repeating. Dino does damage at the start of the turn, so we would not have to hit her all of next round too. Might still be worth it though. Also make sure Crushing Hallway is the bottom card.

Actually, I bet we could take down some of the others to be hit by the Dino.  Either way, probably the safest choice, though Rift in Time is always fun