There is one card in SotM:EE that has errata. It is the card "Chastise", from Fanatic's deck:
![Chastise - Errata|700x980](upload://sUn5XNaqD0KiIDkgOxjy10D4TLr.jpeg "Chastise - Errata")
There is one card in SotM:EE that has errata. It is the card "Chastise", from Fanatic's deck:
![Chastise - Errata|700x980](upload://sUn5XNaqD0KiIDkgOxjy10D4TLr.jpeg "Chastise - Errata")
What's the errata (what needs to be changed)?
It's added 'non-hero' to the target section to avoid the scearion of making Stealth Bot immune to damage while everyone redirects to it.
Play next to a Non-hero target.
It removes the Chastise/Stealth bot combo.
a good change, IMO, although.. unexpected.
Yes. Thank you for this.
Will this be corrected in subsequent printings of the enhanced edition?
It already has been. There was a topic started before this was posted where it was said Chastise was worded different.
Yes but this errata is in the enhanced edition. I am planning on purchasing a copy and I was wondering whether all the print runs for the enhanced edition will have this error in Chastise.
Recent printings of the Enhanced Edition do have this new wording, as someone has mentioned that he purchased a recent copy of the game and saw that it had changed from the original printing of the Enhanced Edition. This was posted hours before Christopher publically posted the errata. So, original runs of Enhanced Edition do not have this change, recent printings do, and I do not know if there is a way to determine the difference.
Out of curiosity what version numberis the newly printed version of EE that was printed this recent December.
Not sure where the version number is located, but above the barcode it list "Second Printing", so I guess that may be one way to figure out what is what.
Mine says "Second Printing" but it has the un-errata'd Chastise, if that helps.
I'm not sure they continue with adding that to the barcode, but if they do then I am guessing anything that says Third Printing or higher should have the errata'd Chastise in it.
There are not currently any copies of Enhanced Edition that say Third Printing. Roughly half of the copies in existence have the errata'd chastize, and roughly half do not, and unfortunately there is not a way to tell which is which.
If we order a copy from the store, will it be the errata'd Chastise or will there be a chance it will be the old version? Should we specify?
We do not have any more copies of Enhanced Edition in stock that have the non-errata'd Chastise.
All of the copies of Enhanced Edition currently in our warehouse have the errata'd Chastise.
Fantastic! I'll be sure to tack that on when I finally order one of those handsome blue Sentinels shirts.
If I were to order replacement copies of Chastise, would they be the errata'd version? (I have EE already but would like to not have to explain an erratum to new players if I can avoid it - plus a few of my regulars already dislike Fanatic and I don't want to have to listen to them bitch about a perfectly cogent change :P )
If we were to purchase new Chastise cards, how many would we need?