For Fanatic's Exorcism power, can you choose in which order you do the two types of damage? And how does it interact with Adaptave Plating Subroutine?
For example, let's say Fanatic plays after Haka, who has just hit Omnitron with melee damage. Fanatic uses Exorcism. Is it:
1) melee damage is done, which is ignored, then radiant damage is done, and APS switches to blocking radiant
2) radiant damage is done, the APS switches to radiant, then melee damage is done, and APS switches back to melee
Can the player pick which happens? If they can't pick, what if Fanatic played Holy Nova first, doing radiant damage and switching the APS to blocking radiant? Does that change what happens with the damage?
Melee us dealt first than radiant. If Omnitron is immune to melee due to Adaptive Plative Subroutine than he would ignore the melee damage and than take the radiant, thus becoming immune to radiant. If Fanatic were to play Holy Nova first he would than take 1 point of radiant making him immune, than excorcism for 1 melee making him immune to melee again than finally 1 point of radiant making the end result him immune to radiant.
See, here's what confuses me - it looks like the rules say that no two things are ever simultaneous - that if two things seem to happen at the same time, then first you do them in card order, then you pick which order they happen in. That's why End of Days still clears the board when Forced Deployment is out, right? So it looks to me like the melee and radiant damage happen at the same time. The card doesn't say "Do 1 point of melee, then do 1 point of radiant" it says "Do 1 point of melee and 1 point of radiant". Is there a ruling that when multiple things happen on the same card, you read them down from the top to the bottom, even if they are not joined with timing key words?
There is no explicit rule that says so, unless you count rules of language.
End of Days clears the board because the trigger for destroying End of Days is "Is the board clear of all cards but character cards and relic cards?" If cards come into play as a result of another card being destroyed by End of Days when it does it's check after the 'first pass', it will still see cards out there that can be destroyed, so it doesn't trigger the destroy itself half yet, it still has valid targets for destruction from the first half.
I think some of it comes from people being used to M:TG where other things aren't allowed to trigger during resolution of abilities, they have to wait until it has fully resolved before triggering. I know we played wrong because of that for a while.
It's actually a little bit different than that. SotM has an implicit resolution stack that the game works off of. Every time you play a card (or use a power) the effects go on the stack as a bundle that gets read top to bottom, left to right. If in the course of processing an effects resolution something happens that causes another effect to go on the stack, the new effect ends up on top, pausing execution of the original effect while the new one does it's thing. It then gets dequeued and we continue processing effects from the first.
So for End of Days + Forced Deployment it goes like so:
End of Days triggers, starts destroying things; Forced Deployment is destroyed and the destroy effect goes on the top of the execution stack; End of Days pauses and Forced Deployment brings a bunch of minions back from the trash; Forced Deployment completes and the effect is dequeued; End of Days unpauses, destroys all of the remaining minions, destroys everything else, then destroys itself.
For the most part a card needs to be in play to be a valid item on the queue which is why you can use a "triggered on destruction" power (such as Bee Bot's) to destroy End of Days and stop it from destroying everything else since it goes on the top of the queue, nukes End of Days, and then when the Bee Bot effect is dequeued End of Days is gone and can't go on blowing anything else up.
You will always perform actions in the order they apear on the card. The sentence structure has an implied order to it. Take Fanatic's Sanctifying strike. It does not need to say "Do X action, THEN do Y action, THEN do Z", but it is implied in the listing of the actions.
Argent Adepts Arcane Cadence works in a similar way, insomuch that you perform the actions in the order they are listed, not in any order that you choose.
It can get quite confusing if you're fighting Akash'Bhuta - it's the environment turn and a target comes out (Akash is on her starting side), causing her to play a card. which is Primeval Eruption, which pulls out another Primeval Eruption, etc. Or a Disrupt the Field, which I think lets both her and the environment play a card (after destroying all environment cards), which might be another target, which might bring out another Primeval Eruption. So she can end up playing a whole load of cards when it isn't even her turn. And then when it is her turn, she might basically do it all again. And then hit you for loads with all the limbs she's probably pulled out in the process :P.