This is what makes a great villain deck. Gloom-ily (pun!), Gloomweaver hasn't done any of that awesome stuff yet.
I had a loss to Gloomweaver just this weekend, he played 3 Vast Followings from his deck in a single turn and followed up with the only relic still in his deck, the other 2 having been pulled out of his trash by the Vast Followings... we did not go down without a fight though.
I think the bugger just got lucky ;)
We totally kicked his arse yesterday - my two characters were Ra and Expatriette, and my partner had Legacy (he really likes Legacy...) and Tempest. In turn one, Ra got out Flame Barrier (fire damage when stuff hits him) and Expatriette got out Hairtrigger Reflexes (automatic damage whenever a non-hero target enters play). Gloomweaver played a couple of those cultists who deal H-2 infernal and H-2 fire damage to everyone at the end of the turn (can't remember the name) and have 6hp. Legacy has Inspiring Presence (+1 damage to all heroes) out and has Galvanised (another +1 damage to heroes) everyone. Cultist enters play - Expatriette automatically shoots for three damage. End of turn, cultist attacks everyone. Attacks Ra first - Ra has Flesh of the Sun God out so is immune to the fire damage. Second hit is infernal - Ra takes the damage and his Flame Barrier goes off, dealing four damage (or possibly five - can't remember if he had his Staff out at that point) to the cultist, more than enough to kill him. Cultist comes back as a zombie, which is immediately blown to bits by Expatriette's Hairtrigger Reflexes :D.
By the end (which didn't take long to reach >:)), Gloomy had managed to get out one relic - his most useless one, given the circumstance, as it was the Pouch of Bones which buffs zombies. Ra took out Gloomy's last 13hp with a Flame Spike, Blazing Tornado, and Pyre (buffed by his Staff and by Legacy) but we let Tempest have his turn after that just to see if he could take out the last 22hp of the relic in one turn. Couldn't quite manage it so Expatriette blasted it to bits with her Tactical Shotgun (again, buffed by Legacy and also by Hollow Points) :D.
I did lose 3 games to him last night. Played with solo with 3 heroes. First was Gloomweaver 76 vs Argent Adept 0,Bunker 0, Expat 0 in Realm of Discord. 1 relic in trash, 1 out. Env card which only let us do one play or action screwed us up. All heroes killed by explosive bubbles in same round.
Gloomweaver 80 vs. Tempest 0, Bunker 0, Expat 0 in Realm of Discord 1 relic in trash, 2 out.
Gloomweaver 79 vs. Fanatic 0,Legacy 0, Visionary 0 in Tomb of Anubis 1 relic in trash, 2 out. Had about 10 env out and Visionary had to discard after draw because of 2 pins.decided to play end of days. Card that brings out Anubis was the second card.
Perhaps others using these combos will have similar experience? Alot of pins came out and that cultist that brings out zombies is tough. I find Realm of Discord to be one of the tougher environments.
Yeah, the Chosen Disciple can be annoying. Personally, though, I find the Realm of Discord to be one of the easier environments, since most distortions don't tend to be out that long, seeing how they're destroyed the moment the next distortion shows up. The Bubbles aren't too bad because they only do two damage and only have 5hp, so they're not too hard to get rid of. The Ethereal Bonds can be annoying, though. Last night we were fighting La Capitan in the Realm of Discord and it was all the crew and stuff that destroyed us - the environment didn't really have a huge effect (though Positive Energy Field was the first card to be played and stayed in for over half the game, I'd say - all the other distortions must've been clustered at the bottom of the deck - the Negative Energy Field was the second distortion to finally show up, and that wasn't till a couple of rounds from the end of the game).
We've never lost to Gloomweaver yet, though we have lost to the other "easy villain", Baron Blade - Devious Disruption tends to be the bane of our lives when it comes to his deck. We even had our first ever Moonfall a couple of weeks ago, when he basically played every horrible card in his deck - Hasten Dom chaining into Hasten Doom, "Consider the Price of Victory!" coming out at one point, both Devious Disruptions forcing us to destroy most of our stuff…oh yeah, and his first two cards in the game were the other two MDPs. He probably did some other stuff that was horrible too :P.
I Have played a mod for Gloomweaver that really made him nasty, by adding a second character (ala the Operative) to his deck.
Here's the one I added:
Voodoo Priest
When Voodoo priest is reduced to 0hp flip his card. When this card is flipped restore to full health.
At the end of the villain turn shuffle the trash and reveal cards until a voodoo pin is revealed, put it into play. If no Pins are revealed play the top card of the villain deck.
Flip Side
Zombie Master
When Zombie Master is reduced to 0hp flip his card. When this card is flipped restore to full health.
At the end of the villain turn shuffle the trash and reveal cards until a Zombie or Strength of the grave is revealed, put it into play. If no cards are put into play by this effect deal each hero target (H) damage.
Strength of the grave is indestructible.
Basically it adds card play to Gloomy to start the game (getting a pin in the trash is big) then it becomes about managing the cards you are getting hit with. If the Pins get to be too much, you flip him to the Aombie side, where Zombies coming into play are very manageable, until you get swarmed and Strength of grave comes out, then flip him back.
It has made every game against Gloomy really tough, without making it ridiculously hard. He also flips a lot more, You may want to add that the added guy is removed from the game if Gloomy flips, like maybe he is the vessel that Gloomweaver uses to come back to full power, and is consumed or taken over by Gloomy.
With this card he flips more and is nasty to beat even if he doesn't flip. Of course the one game Adept blew up three instruments to kill relics and so it wasn't bad at all, but that's adept, and he's sick.
I think Gloomweaver is a perfect candidate for a promo villain card like Bomber Baron or Cosmitron
I agree, I tried to make one that focused on cultists on the front, then would kill them immediately on the back, it never worked well though.