So earlier I was trying the Two-Man Army story challenge and it was very unsuccessful. I played three games all against Omnitron. First up I had Wraith and Absolute Zero, which I failed in five turns and minimal damage to him. Second I had Ra and Absolute Zero, lost that in four rounds and about ten damage to Omnitron. Lastly I got his HP down to forty-eight in nine turns before I had fallen and was using Ra and Haka. First two games Electro-Pulse Explosion came out in the first round, so you can imagine how that worked out. Both times I was only able to take it down to twelve HP, so the following turn it did that much to me no problem. Electre-magnetic Railgun also seemed to keep appearing and picking away at my HP with nothing I could do about it.
Have you considered Young Legacy for one of the two?
I kind of did, but considering that Legacy is a character marked off of winning a game using I opted not to. Although all things considering since I usually play solo i’ll knock four off the list each time I play, clearing that up very quickly. It’s kind of strange how that one power change in Young Legacy makes her that much more awesome
Try doing it against Blade. It worked well for us!
I’d like to try the Two Man Army against Blade, but with both Legacy and YL. It’d probably just involve having Legacy boost YL’s attack, and have YL do the same to herself, and just use her attack power to deal damage. But of course, I’d need another Legacy deck. I might get a second one eventually. Like if they have decks for sale at Gen Con.
There are decks for sale online.
They’re available here, in case you didn’t find it.
No, trust me, I know they’re for sale online. I just meant I don’t really feel like ordering a second deck just yet. My main reason is I’d have no place to put it. My box is already full of other boxes. I had just enough room to fit them all in.
I just did my own attempt at Two Man Army, pitting Wraith and Legacy against Omnitron in Megalopolis. Thanks to an early drop of Plummeting Monorail and Police Backup, Omnitron was feeling the hurt through the entire game. Then, when Omnitron was almost done, everything went foul.
First, Sedative Flechettes dropped, laying Legacy low, with nothing he could do on his turn but increase Wraith’s damage. Then the Paparazzi arrived on the scene just in time to see a monorail drop on Wraith’s head, because our heroes hadn’t been paying enough attention to it. Further, while the heroes were distracted with the press, Omnitron brought out an Electro-Pulse Explosive and a Disintegration Ray and there was nothing Wraith or Legacy could do about either one in time.
The devices Omnitron had out by the end of his next turn did exactly enough damage to defeat the party, when he was only at 7 HP himself. Really, the only way that could have been worse is if Omnitron was defeated and then the devices avenged him.
I’d like to see someone win with a two man army that did not include Legacy, Wraith, or Tempest.
We actually did 2-man army with Absolute Zero and Ra. It work out nicely! We’re at 900SP and on our way up! Flawless Victory is catching us up at the moment…
Well, this isn’t a Fail Story specific to Story Challenges, but I thought it would still make for a nice Fail Story.
We were playing against The Chairman the other day. Three heroes, Mister Fixer, Young Legacy, and Tachyon. The first villain card flipped was The Muscle, and at the end of the round, The Operative brought the The Deputy, meaning that an Enforcers and Crooked Cop came out next. With the exception of Young Legacy have a Flying Smash, we all managed to have pretty bad draws, but we ended up doing just enough damage to take out the 2 Thugs and put a dent in the 2 Underbosses. The Environment threw some Rats. The second card from the Villain deck was The Broker, and the The Operative brought out The Fence. Obviously, now we had 4 Thugs and 4 Underbosses to deal with. Thanks to a Jack Handle from Mister Fixer, another Flying Smash from Young Legacy, and a Sonic Vortex from Tachyon (fueled by discarding cards to avoid damage from Enforcers), we managed to kill all the Thugs, and all but one Underbosses; I forget which one was left. The Environment threw out a Super-Cooled Vat, and that killed off the remaining Underboss. Whew! Things looked like they were under control. The Chairman flips, and the Villain deck plays…yeah, you guessed it, Prison Break. So it brought all 4 back out, The Operative brought out the Contract, and with the freshly boosted damage by The Chairman, most of us died, and we all bemoaned the horrible, horrible draw that had led us to this fate.
I have played through a fairly similar sad story. My sense is that any time a group is forced to put enough underbosses into the trash such that the Chairman comes out while the Operative is still healthy, the likelihood of winning is very, very low.
You guys want fail stories? I haven’t been playing SotM too much recently, but we’ve had a few games recently. And we haven’t won any of them. I don’t know if we could have beaten the Matriarch the last time we played her, which was last weekend, but I royally messed up the whole game. I was Tachyon, and I didn’t pay too much attention to my hand, so I didn’t realize I had a card she has that does 1 damage to every villain target, and everything damaged can’t do damage until the start of Tachyon’s next turn. So we got to a point where Matriarch’s Charron Fields was in play, so killing all of the 11 fowls in play would have crippled all five of us, and actually killed two of us, me included. It was only after we decided to try just a little longer (we must have spent 10 minutes debating what to do), and I was dead, that I looked at my hand and realized that card I had would have literally prevented all of that. Needless to say, after I told everyone about it, we gave up in pure frustration.
I REALLY dropped the ball there.
That has to be one of the most awesome things ever, no offense. I’ve had moments where I over looked a card in my hand and it may of been a awesome game changer, but what else can you do?
Legacy, Rook City Wraith, Visionary and Expatriette went up against Basic Matriarch in Megalopolis. With Demoralization in play, both Domains, both Cohorts in play, on her turn, Matriarch played her final card in her deck before her first flip, Darken The Skies. What happened next was’t very nice…
Right, so, I should probably point out that right after that last failed game I mentioned, we also tried playing against Spite, and once again, I neglected to read that the safehouse card comes into play at the beginning of the game. Chris was polite enough to inform me of this during the demos this past Saturday. Our safehouse wound up near the very bottom of the deck that night, causing us to lose horribly.
I really couldn’t get any better at sabotaging myself, could I?
There was this one time I was playing with my family. We were up against Omnitron at Atlantis, and our characters were Fanatic, Visionary, and fixer.
We were doing well, and even managed to kill omnitron. The only problem was, Pillars of Atlantis was out, and on the environment turn it decides to play the stupid EMP thing, so without us having a chance to do anything, everyone takes 15 damage. It was enough to kill me and my mom, which left Fanatic at 3 HP and no wrathful retribution.
We got died. Was not fun.
Also, pretty much any time we play against the Matriarch we lose horribly. The only way we have been able to beat her is using Bunker, Legacy, Fanatic, and Fixer, ammo drop on the first turn, Zealous Offense on the Carrion Fields, and accidentally forgetting to read the “the first time each turn” part of Driving Mantis style.
Haka is a good character to toss in with the Matriarch. Let her get all he targeted cards into play and weaken the non-foul cards, so Haka can have Savage Mana in play and followed by a Rampage will make quick work on her deck. Just be sure to have a lot of ongoing cards in play so that way when she destroys them Savage Mana won’t be effected.
That is a pretty awesome strategy. Bunker with ammo drop is another great combo with that.
I’d recommend Legacy for buffing and tanking, and Visionary for dropping all the ongoing cards you’ll need, since she’ll play Horrid Cacophany every 3 turns or so. Wrest the Mind on Carrion Fields wouldn’t hurt either.
Tachyon wouldn’t be too bad either, since she can play cards fast, help people draw, and is Matriarch’s nemesis, as long as Legacy helps soak damage.