Question: If a card has multiple effects, and the first triggers another effect, does the triggered effect happen before or after the second effect on the original card?
Answer: The triggered effect happens immediately upon being triggered and before the second effect on the original card. A perfect example of this issue is the interaction between Expatriette’s card “RPG Launcher” and Grand Warlord Voss’s card “Forced Deployment”.
RPG Launcher is a One-Shot that reads:
[quote=““RPG Launcher””]
Destroy 1 Ongoing or Environment card. If you do, Expatriette deals up to 2 targets 2 fire damage each.
Forced Deployment is an Ongoing card that reads:
[quote=““Forced Deployment””]
When this card is destroyed, put all of the Minion cards from the Villain trash into play. At the start of the Villain turn, destroy this card.
When RPG Launcher is used to destroy Forced Deployment, Forced Deployment is immediately removed from play and placed in the Villain Trash, and all of the Minion cards are immediately put from the Villain trash into play. Then, Expatriette may deal up to 2 targets 2 fire damage each (including, if she so desires, any of the Minions put into play by Forced Deployment).