Rules Question.
When resolving fear card effects - If they generate more fear and another Fearcard is added as a result of fearcard effect´s
Do you just contuinue to resolve that / these new fearcard´s before ravegae happens - Or do you wait and resove them in the next invader pahse ?
During the same phase. Sidebar on page 9 of core rulebook.
In fact, if the new fear card unlocks a new Terror level, all remaining cards that turn are resolved at the new Terror level.
Keep in mind, though, that "removing" a town or city does not create fear (as opposed to "destroying" them).
Not saying you're doing that, just that some folks do that so I wanted to ensure it was included with this. :-)
yah. Cool. Thanks.
Guess i could have hit up the rulebook. But reading to many rules lately..... So Thanks