Alright, I’m stumped. I’ve looked through all the hero decks from the core set, and I’m not sure how anyone can heal 5 HP to a single teammate in one turn. The closest I can come up with is Tempest having both Cleansing Downpours out and Embolden on him, allowing him to use CD twice, healing everyone 4. Can someone who has gotten it please explain how?
Only with the help of environment cards is that story challenge currently possible.
You’re looking for the Phosphorescent Chamber from the Ruins of Atlantis in play while being able to use 2 healing powers.
Some of the challenges appear to be something you stumble across rather than something you can aim for with skillful play (although Visionary would help with this one)
Tempest and Absolute Zero. Have Tempest with his equipment on that can change his damage type to cold and use lighting slash on Absolute Zero, thus five points of health restored. That’s the way I did it.
I stand corrected!
Thinking on it with Absolute Zero and Visionary in your team anyone who can do 4 points of damage to a target can heal Zero for 5 with Twist the Ether on them
I guess if you really want to go the Visionary route, but don’t people abuse her powers too much. I’m sure she is getting pretty worn out and needs a little break once and awhile.
Thinking on it does hitting Absolute Zero with cold count as healing a teammate? You are not using a power that heals him, you are inflicting damage, he heals himself, not you.
It states “When Absolute Zero would take cold damage, regain that many HP instead” so all Absolute Zero is changing it from damage to healing, but the other character is still performing the power.
And the ‘attacking’ character’s power says “Do X Damage”, not “Heal x damage”, the healing comes from Absolute Zero, not from the character using the power/card.
I would consider Absolute Zero changing the type of “cold damage” to “healing” much like Twist of Ether would do with characters changing the types of damages. It isn’t changing the hero’s powers to where Visionary is doing the damage, it is just converting the damage to something else. Now if Absolute Zero was healing himself because of it it would probably be worded more like “When Absolute Zero would take cold damage, Absolute Zero heals himself that much HP instead” or something along those lines. The source of the power still comes from the original source not from Absolute Zero. Would be nice if a creator would chime in any minute now…
Meh, no need for a creator here I think, just fun to argue an opposing point of view; twisting viewpoints is as close I will ever get to Twisting the Ether!
To counter your excellent point I would point to the wording on the Null-Point Callibration Unit itself
“When Absolute Zero would take cold damage, regain that many HP instead”
You must be taking damage in order for this effect to kick in.
If Absolute Zero is changing the wording on the card from “inflict x Cold damage” to “regain x HP” would smoke bombs ever trigger on this type of attack if he was lowest HP? Or does the change occur after the ‘decision’ of whom to hit? Or would it have to account for order of play?
Oh I see, big time debater, alrighty i’m cool with that then.
Hmm… That is actually got me a bit stumped. Due to the fact that Smoke Bombs redirects the attack if the Hero with the lowest would take damage, since there isn’t actually any damage that would be done to Absolute Zero it would not be triggered and things would carry on as normal.
I don’t believe this has been conclusively determined, but my intuition is that type of damage is determined before redirection:
- Determine Initial target
- Determine initial type of damage
- Determine any global changes to type or amount of damage
- Determine any initial target-specific changes to type or amount of damage
- Determine any redirection and, if so, the final/next target
- Remove any initial target-specific changes to type or amount of damage
- Determine any final/next target-specific changes to type or amount of damage.
For what it is worth, there is a character in Infernal Relics who can certainly pull this one off.
I'd agree the Healing challenges are not possible in Basic Set. Or very circonstancial (Tempest x2 in Atlantis).
And Tempest hitting on AZ so AZ can trigger his power and his equipment is not Tempest healing AZ, it's AZ healing himself with the help of a teammate damage. IF AZ use the Fire Damage dealt to him by Ra to produce Cold and use it to damage an opponent, it will still be AZ that would be credited by the damage, not Ra. Here it is the same deal, AZ equipment are doing the healing, not Tempest.
They are entirely possible. We have done them all.
I once healed ~16 points in one turn with my new favorite character: Nightmist.
Sure, but I think Field Medic requires you to heal others.
You might be absolutely right.
Though, one of her cards still does can heal any hero (target?) (put trash into library. 1 lfe per 2 cards). Works on any hero. I did it to myself though…
Think the card your thinking of only heals NightMist, but can select any hero's deck.
I only used it on Nightmist for Nightmist. I got to check it out. Thanks for the clarification! Y'all rock!