Final Wasteland Question

Is the Final Wasteland a distant future for the "dark" Iron Legacy timeline? Or is it the distant future of the games main timeline?

That is a great mystery! At least I don't think it has been said which timeline it goes down. Infact it could be the end result of all time-lines as it is so distant into the future. The only timeline I know for sure is it is a timeline where Chrono-Ranger fails, unless Chrono-Ranger is doing something that will end the same no matter what.

I think it being a bleak catch-all end to the planet is the best result story-wise, but who knows?

Could just be a riff on Hulk: The End.

"The Final Wasteland is the true end to all time. Do not think that you can overcome its dangers: pray that you might survive it."

This is taken from the SOTM website.

Yeah, the blurb seems to think it's absolute.  On the other hand, Con claims that it can be prevented by shooting a giant rat.  Who knows?