Finding the extensions in europe

Hello everyone

I am trying to find the first two extension but they are both sold out in every shop i tried in france, uk and germany.

Is there a way to find it in europe outside ordering directly hier (or waiting for Essen)? Because the shipping price is damn to hight.


Have you tried Games Lore? It's where I got mine (the core game plus both expansions). Of course, you won't get Shattered Timelines there just yet as >G hasn't finished shipping everything out yet, but they might still have the other stuff...

also, They just did a huge print run - im pretty certain that included more copies of the original expansions - and all that got packed off to the distributers last week. Its very likely it will show up in their stores sometime next week!

I got mine from It's a dutch site though so I don't know how fluent your dutch is or how much shipping is out side of Holland. They do still have it in stock though.

Thanks Wuishke, they have it. But with 40€ shipping, I will follow lynkfox info and wait a week to see if I don't find it closer.

there was a post around here somehwere by the >G games that says international distributers might take upwards of a month - because it takes that long to ship a pallet or two to the distributers in europe and then out to the various stores - because it doesnt get airlifted across the atlantic but takes a freight ship.

Lynkfox is correct! For European distributors, we send stuff to a freight forwarder in the US, who collects shipments from various publishers before combining them and putting them on a ship. That cargo ship then takes its sweet time crossing the Atlantic before it is unloaded and the games are delivered to the distributor, who then has to ship them out to stores. So it could definitely take a while.

Thanks Paul. So, not next wek, but probably next month.

Then I'll wait :)

Hey NicoF, where do you want the games delivered?

In this Spain-based online shop, they have everything right now, including the first two expansions and the mini-expansions:

These are their conditions for international customers (it is a case by case scenario, so you will need to talk with them):

Apart from that, I have bougth shattered timelines from here They ship to germany only for one euro. They have not restocked the first two expansions though...

In any case, good luck!