Fireside chat update: Vengeance

What the heck is Christopher being benevolent/a jerk about here? How do hero cards get removed from the game in the Temple of Zhu Long except for incapacitated OblivAeon Ra removing himself?

Unforgiving Wasteland can remove some cards.

That's not in the Temple of Zhu Long, though. :P I think it was just in response to Setting Sun Ra.

I'll admit, the new behavior for Tachyon's power is kind of annoying in the video game. It used to just be "do you want to discard this card?" and now it's "Here's a card. Hope you remember what it was. Do you want to discard it?" I assume F5 Bunker's power is going to work rather the same way. I can't remember things good! D:

I bet something in OblivAeon will be able to remove hero cards from the game.

Makes me wonder how the resurrection works when you lose a hero and replace them with your backup hero, though.

Multiple environments are used at the same time in the OblivAeon event (as currently revealed).

I'll admit, the new behavior for Tachyon's power is kind of annoying in the video game. It used to just be "do you want to discard this card?" and now it's "Here's a card. Hope you remember what it was. Do you want to discard it?" I assume F5 Bunker's power is going to work rather the same way. I can't remember things good! D:

The discard decision shows you what the revealed card was, unless it's now unknown.

See also Captain Cosmic's (requital) incap.

Oh yeahhhh…

Oh noooooo D:

I'll admit, the new behavior for Tachyon's power is kind of annoying in the video game. It used to just be "do you want to discard this card?" and now it's "Here's a card. Hope you remember what it was. Do you want to discard it?" I assume F5 Bunker's power is going to work rather the same way. I can't remember things good! D:  
The discard decision shows you what the revealed card was, unless it's now unknown.


I hold down the tab button all times, so it just flashes by. D:

When I use her base power on the screen with the option for discarding it shows the card.   So I'm not sure how you are fast forwarding through that.  

… there’s a fast forward button!? Knew I should have paid more attention to the tutorial.

The only effect I have trouble with due to the game’s speed is Parse’s incapacitated ability to reveal and replace the top card of the villain deck.

With regard to Tachyon… the power definitely displays the releaved card when asking what you want to do with it.

This confirms my suspicions with how the Temple of Zhu Long makes Setting Sun Ra awesome.

Not sure it's that awesome. Sure you can repeatedly kill yourself but your multitarget attack is weaker after you're resurrected and you're costing your team a load of cards. To me Rites of Revival is a trap.

Sure, but in a lot of cases you don't want to be hitting the environment indiscriminately anyway, like the shinobis. Repeatedly playing a card that hits the lowest target may not always be optimal. Plus, only the revived hero is prevented from hitting the environment, so if you have someone on environment cleanup duty, or have something like Environmental Allies in play, it isn't that big of a problem. From my experience, it's much more beneficial to side with Zhu Long than to fight him, as it ends up being a constant struggle. Plus, you get free card draws/plays from Ceremonies.

That said, Ra's deck immolation has never seemed like much of a drawback to me.  He's going to kill himself long before he eats through his deck.

It's mostly just the pain of seeing "Oh no, there goes my second Staff of Ra!" whenever you use the power. I'd agree, though, he dies long before he's lost even half his deck, in my experience.

Since I just remembered this question and it's at least vaguely tangential to the subject: Why is it Another Reality's Debt will allow you to destroy no cards, but other cards that force a "discard, destroy (or something else)" choice won't?


I believe the option is to discard your hand or destroy all your cards?


If you have no cards in play, all equals zero, but it is still all, and you can fulfill the requirement.  The same as you can discard an empty hand to fulfill the "discard your hand" requirement.

If you are faced with an option like "discard two cards or destroy one card" and you have no cards in play, you do not have 1 card to destroy so you can't fulfill that requirement and are forced to discard instead.


But I could be wrong.

I am good at being wrong.

Oh, huh. When we played Miss Information a few months ago, that was the first card she flopped, and that's how we interpreted it, that you could destroy all your cards, when there's nothing out (mainly because nobody at the table wanted to nuke all our hands on the first turn of the game).

Makes sense to me, if you have zero cards in play/hand, destroy/discard all then means you destroy/discard zero.

But then why can't you destroy zero to avoid discarding two for, say, the Drum of Despair?


Because the requirement calls for destroying 1 card, which you cannot do if you have 0 cards in play.

I understood it that if something requires you to destroy or discard, you have to do one of those things, and that if you have no cards you can destroy, then you must take the discard option instead (and vice-versa). If you have to either, say, destroy all your cards or discard two and you only have one in hand, you would have to discard that one card.