Fission Blaster(range)

So I'm sure this is a simple question. Me and my group have been debating after ecentley playing this game for the first time.


The question is if range affects Fission Blaster. The wording on the cards seems to coutner the ruling of range in the book. Because if they furthest you could attack with as blade is 6 range the (x-Dice) seems almsot stupid and the only real way to use it would be to atatck from 6 range with aim.

Clarification on the use of Fission Blaster with Range would be much appriciated.


Tried to find this info elsewhere but couldnt find anythign on it.




Thanks First time poster here.

Welcome to the forums!

You can attack from any range.  The number of dice increase as range increases.  You can go for a 6 die attack at range 6 (aimed), but if you roll no 6's, everything misses.  If you swapped into it, you can add a +1 attack die from the swap for 7 dice instead.  It is a semi-risky, but very rewarding maneuver. 

Welcome! :grin:

It does take range into account, so:

  • Range 1 - 1 die, any value is a success
  • Range 2 - 2 die, any value above 1 is a success (1s don't make range)
  • Range 3 - 3 die, any value above 2 is a success (2s don't make range)
  • Range 4 - 4 die, any value above 3 is a success (3s don't make range)
  • Range 5 - 5 die, any value above 4 is a success (4s don't make range)
  • Range 6 - 6 die, any value above 5 is a success (5s don't make range)

While it shines with Aim, it's still a decent power at 3 and 4, you just have to decide if it's worth it. Also - obviously - having attack +1s helps… :wink:

Just imagine if some other character could give Blade reach. 

Let's say Blade had reach +4, somehow, and is ten hexes away from the target, on the same elevation, with LoS. How many dice does Blade get to roll for Fission Blaster? Six? Ten?

I actually almost included a comment that this card alone will likely be why no character will ever give another character Reach… :sunglasses:

However, Legacy + Baron Blade is a pretty awesome combo, since Legacy hands out Attack +1 tokens like candy, and as long as you get at least one 6 on an aimed roll, that's an awesome amount of damage. No Automisses is fantastic.

Thanks for the help. Me and my friends usually end up takign the cards to literally.


Fission Blaster does in fact have an automiss, though.

Well, 1, I guess, but that’s still pretty strong, considering that 1 is practically useless unless you aim, anyway.