Fjur’s Environment Archive!

Here is the first (and probably most generic) of my environments. It’s a real disreputable nest of criminality!

Gang Hideout

Every gang needs a headquarters, and this is certainly one of them. It is filled to the brim with unscrupulous criminals, along with their ill-gotten goods and surpluses of weaponry.

Beyond that, though, this environment can be used to represent the HQ of many different kinds of gangs — it could be a dilapidated hideout in the seedy part of town, a secluded safe-house in the woods outside town, a dockside base disguised as a warehouse, or the high-tech compound of a corrupt celebrity.

Gang Hideout
Loads of Weapons :d8:
Lots of Crooks :d8:
Stolen Goods :d6:

Minor Twists

  • Hapless Crook: One of the gangsters has stumbled upon the characters. Introduce 1 Mean Streets Wrecker minion (see page 415 of the Core Rulebook) to the scene.
  • Stolen Super-Tech: Someone’s found some of the gang’s stolen technology and has decided to use it. Roll the environment dice. Boost one target with the Mid die.

Major Twist

  • Sentry: One of the crooks has spotted the intruders, and rushes to raise the hideout’s alarm.
    Prevent the sentry from raising the alarm
    Challenge timer
    Triggered: Advance the scene tracker by one space.

Minor Twists

  • Coterie of Crooks: A group of crooks show up to defend their home base. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Mean Streets Pugilist minions (see page 414 of the Core Rulebook) to the scene equal to the Mid die.
  • Suppresive Fire: The crooks present unleash a torrent of gunfire, pinning down any intruders. Roll the environment dice. Hinder all non-crook targets with the Min die.

Major Twist

  • Metahuman Mercenary: A superpowered mercenary employed by the gang steps out to fulfill their contract, powering up before engaging. Introduce 1 :d8: lieutenant to the scene. Then, roll the environment dice and Boost that lieutenant with the Mid die.

Minor Twists

  • Firefight: The crooks open fire on all intruders in their base. Roll the environment dice. Attack all non-crook targets with the Mid die.
  • The Big Gun: The crooks have somehow gotten ahold of a very large and very powerful cannon.
    Disable the cannon
    Roll the environment dice and Attack one target with the Max die. Repeat this Attack on every environment turn until the above challenge is completed.

Major Twist

  • This is Our Turf!: The crooks are determined to defend their turf. Roll the environment dice. Defend and Boost all crooks in the scene with the Mid die. That bonus is persistent and exclusive.

Next Environment: Deep Space!