It’s time for our next environment. And this time, it’s gonna be a good one!
Time Cataclysm
Date: Varies
Location: Varies
Time Since the Cataclysm Began: Inapplicable
Time Until the Cataclysm Ends: Inapplicable
Times Currently Colliding: 2230, 2101, 2029, 2023, 1940, 1883, 1604, 1341, 117,
Quantum Superimposition Flux Coefficient: 6.437Δ ± ∞
Someone broke time. Again.
Wether they were caused by a scientific doomsday device, a chrono-magical ritual, a meddling Singular Entity, or a temporal pirate captain, most Time Cataclysms look roughly the same.
Dozens or even hundreds of conflicting histories, alternate presents, and divergent possible futures collide together in a big wibbly wobbly, timey wimey mess. Time, space, and even reality begin to break down. People from all eras of history and futurity are pulled to the temporal epicentre. Alternate universes seep into this one.
If the heroes can mobilise quickly enough, and work together well enough, they might have a chance at stopping a complete chronol implosion.
But whatever happens, worlds will live, worlds will die, and time will never be the same.
Time Cataclysm
Colliding Futures 
Conflicting Pasts 
Reality Fractured 
Minor Twists
- F.I.L.T.E.R. Agent: The multiversal organization F.I.L.T.E.R. has dispatched one of its agents to investigate the temporal fluctuations in the area. Introduce 1 F.I.L.T.E.R. Agent minion (see below) to the scene.
- Time-Displaced Combatant: Someone from the past or a potential future has been flung into the present. Introduce 1 Time-Displaced minion (see below) to the scene.
Major Twist
- Temporal Variant: An alternate version of one of the heroes has been shifted into this reality. Introduce 1 Hero Alternate lieutenant (see below) to the scene.
[color= #ffcc00]Yellow[/color]
Minor Twists
- Time-Displaced Conflux: A myriad of different people have all been torn from their native times and appear in the present. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Time-Displaced minions (see below) to the scene equal to the Mid die.
- Timeline Fluctuation: Ambient temporal energies replace one hero with an alternate version of themself. Select one hero. Replace that hero’s highest Power and highest Quality of your choice with a different Power and a different Quality, either chosen by you or determined randomly. The Power and Quality stay replaced until the scene’s zone changes.
Major Twist
- Deteriorating Reality: The very fabric of the space-time continuum is breaking apart! Advance the scene tracker by one space.
Minor Twists
- Fixed Point in Time: This moment is a fixed point in time, and time itself resists any changes to it. Roll the environment dice. Hinder all targets in the scene with the Mid die.
- Lost in Time: A hero is being pulled into another time! Roll the environment dice. Hinder one hero with the Mid die. That penalty is persistent and exclusive until the below challenge is completed.
Prevent the hero from becoming lost in time
If the scene tracker reaches its end before this challenge is completed, that hero is stranded in another period of time.
Major Twist
- Time Falls Apart: Time and reality are being shattered! Roll the environment dice. Attack all targets in the scene with the Max die.
Time Cataclysm Threats
F.I.L.T.E.R. Agent
This agent of F.I.L.T.E.R. is a highly-trained operative assigned to investigate the current temporal anomalies.
Tranq Gun: When the F.I.L.T.E.R. Agent Attacks a target, it may also Hinder that target with the same roll.
Although the agent’s primary goal is to gather intel on the timeline, they will not hesitate to take this opportunity to collect some superpowered specimens.
Hero Alternate
A version of one of the heroes from a disparate reality has arrived!
Super-Schtick: The Hero Alternate has +3 to [one basic action or save rolls].
Temporal Instability: If the Hero Alternate rolls a 1 during an action, reduce its die by one size.
Despite hailing from another universe, this hero has the same ideals as their counterpart native to this timeline. If you like, you may give control of this lieutenant to the player of the hero whom it is an analog of.
Time Cataclysm Threats: Time-Displaced Minions
This futuristic robotic facsimile of humanity is unwavering in carrying out its orders.
Adaptive Algorithms: After the Android rolls a damage save, it Boosts itself using that roll.
For more advanced than today’s crude robo-forms, the Android is able to process complex stimuli and calculate the optimal course of action.
Hailing from a not-too-distant possible future, this soldier has been fitted with so many cybernetic enhancements that it is now more machine than man.
Technological Interface: The Cyber-Trooper has +2 to Overcome and Hinder actions targeting mechanical targets.
The Cyber-Trooper tries to use its techno-organic implants to interface with technology in order to achieve its directives.
Hailing from the American Old West, this Gunslinger has remarkable aiming skills.
Dual Six-Shooters: When the Gunslinger Attacks, it may Attack up to 2 target in range.
The Gunslinger relies on its wits and guns to get it out of trouble.
This mounted warrior has been trained by the best and uses the best armour and weapons.
Plate Armour: The Knight has +2 to save rolls.
An expert with the blade, the Knight is adept at dueling a single adversary.
Mutated Survivor
In one potential future, Earth has suffered a tragic nuclear armageddon. From that world hails this wretched, mutated being.
Radioactivity: After the Mutated Survivor rolls a damage save from an Attack at close range, it Hinders the attacker with that roll.
This once-human monstrosity feebly flails at any potential prey.
Primitive Hunter
What some would incorrectly dub a “caveman,” this human from prehistoric times is nonetheless a fierce brute.
Fight, not Flight: After the Primitive Hunter is Attacked, it gains a +2 bonus to its next Attack action.
The hunter is likely very confused from being flung into this time, and will likely go berserk and madly start attacking.
Roman Legionnaire
This soldier is a member of the legendary Roman legions, feared for their martial prowess.
Shield Wall: The Roman Legionnaire has +1 to save rolls for every Roman Legionnaire nearby, including itself (up to a maximum bonus of +3).
Romans are used to fighting in formation, and will do so if they can. However, a lone legionnaire will still do its best to fight for the glory of Rome.
Space Explorer
In the potential future from which this fearless space explorer comes, humanity has dared to venture up through the stars, going where no man has gone before.
Stun Phaser: The Space Explorer has +2 to Hinder actions.
The Space Explorer tries to peacefully interact with the natives of the strange new world it now finds itself in, while trying not to contaminate its society with its advanced technology.
This scallawag has sailed the high seas and crossed cutlasses with many ne’er-do-wells.
Flynning: The Swashbuckler has +2 to Boost actions targeting itself.
The Swashbuckler is equally adept at dueling a single opponent and holding off many foes, as well as making creative use of the environment.
WWII Flying Ace
An expert pilot and an expert shot all rolled into one.
Aerial Acrobatics: When making a save roll while flying, the WWII Flying Ace can roll its die twice and use the higher result.
The pilot prefers to stay high above the fight, raining down bullets on those below.
Editor’s Notes
This environment has a fair number more allusions to other works of fiction than most. Can you spot them all?
And yes, I know that Sentinel Comics does not have as many temporal catastrophes as some other comic book companies do, but I figured that there was still a considerable amount.
If the Lost in Time twist activates and its challenge does not get completed, it could be the basis for a whole other issue or issues.
I particularly like the Timeline Fluctuations twist. I think that the Power- and Quality-switching was quite a clever way to represent a hero being transformed into their own alternate.
The Time Cataclysm is probably going to have the most minions out of all of my environments, with a whopping twelve. Speaking of minions, each of the Time-Displaced minions more or less matches up with one of the years listed in this environment’s infobox.
Next Environment: Realm of Fantasy!