Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Hair: None
Eyes: Varies, usually purple
Birthplace: The Destruction of Preservation and Entropy
Power Source: The Cosmos, The Shattering of the Timelines
Occupation: Singular Entity
“It’s Coming.”
The Heroes of Earth and beyond have fought against the effect of an unknown cosmic power for a long time, and each time they managed to prevail. However, other realities and timelines have not been so fortunate. The goal of this cosmic entity’s encroachment upon the Multiverse is the collapse of all realities and timelines into a singularity which will self-implode, leaving naught but OblivAeon, the true heir to nothingness.
OblivAeon itself has manifested on Earth in this timeline to put an end to the pitiful resistance. If it succeeds, everything will be destroyed. However, if the heroes are able to stop OblivAeon, the cracks which run through all realities will be repaired as the cosmic power that created them is destroyed, effectively cutting the timelines and realities off from each other.
One way or another the Multiverse, ends here.
Destroyer of All
The End Has Come
Terminus of All Realities
Minor Twists
- Aeon Attack: OblivAeon conjures another squad of Aeon Men. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Aeon Men minions (see below) to the scene equal to the Min die.
- Disrupt Spacetime: OblivAeon tears a hole in reality and sends some heroes hurtling through it. Roll the environment dice. Attack two targets with the Mid die. Move those targets to another location.
Major Twist
- Temporal Fractures: OblivAeon continues its ravaging of reality. Advance the scene tracker by one space.
Minor Twists
- Absorb Energy: ObilvAeon destroys some of its Aeon Men, reabsorbing their essence into itself. Destroy any number of Aeon Men minions.
- Unbracing Smite: OblivAeon unleashes a focused blast of devastating energy. Roll the environment dice. Attack one target with the Max die. Destroy all bonuses on that target.
Major Twist
- Focus of Power: ObilvAeon creates a crystalline conduit for its cosmic power, in order to further its plans of destruction.
Destroy the Oblivion Engine
Challenge Timer
Triggered: Advance the scene tracker by one space. Then, roll the environment dice and Boost all Scion and Aeon Men targets with the Mid die.
Minor Twist
- Global Devastation: There is nowhere that OblivAeon’s power cannot reach. Roll the environment dice. Attack all targets in all locations in the scene with the Mid die. Destroy 1 bonus on each of those targets.
- Impending Doom: OblivAeon prepares to unleash an annihilating attack of cataclysmic proportions.
Disrupt the attack
Challenge Timer
Triggered: Roll the environment dice. Attack all non-Scion targets with the Max+Mid+Min dice.
Major Twists
- Summon Scion: OblivAeon summons another one of its servants to the battlefield. Introduce 1 Scion villain (without Upgrades or Masteries) to the scene.
OblivAeon Threats
Aeon Man
Aeon Men are the mindless thralls and vassals of OblivAeon. They form from the excess Aeon energy that constantly leaks out of OblivAeon’s form.Abilities
Aeon Energy: If OblivAeon destroys an Aeon Man, first roll its die. Boost, Recover, or Attack one target with that roll.
Cosmic Warrior: Aeon Men have +1 to Attack actions.Tactics
Aeon Men are essentially mindless automatons, and know only the most basic strategy. They are most often encountered in groups.
Editor’s Notes
That’s right, it’s OBLIVAEON!
I really like that
dice pool. : )
The infobox and environment description were taken from OblivAeon’s wiki page.
Okay, so I may have made some of these twists a little bit more powerful the the book suggests, but hey, it’s OblivAeon. If anything deserves to be overpowered, it’s him.
Part of my inspiration for creating this “environment” was that the Bullpen chapter of the rulebook states that environments can be used to represent truly massive, powerful entities in addition to locations.
Now, obviously this “environment” is of negligible usefulness to anyone, as I doubt anyone will be running the OblivAeon Event any time soon. Regardless, here’s my advice for doing just that:
Due to the epicness and sheer scale, I would recommend using a scene tracker that is some mix of Prolonged and Epic trackers. Something like 2 Green spaces, 4 Yellow spaces, and 5 Red spaces.
This environment represents OblivAeon protected by his shield. Thus, he lacks a Health rating, so the heroes cannot damage him. So, of course, you’ll need a hefty challenge (likely 5 boxes) to let the heroes disable OblivAeon’s shield, which will then transform him from environment stats to villain stats (likely with many Upgrades). Alternatively, one could just use one (or several) Defence Shield Upgrades to represent his shield, but then you wouldn’t be using this environment at all.
There would, of course, also be many Aeon Men minions, Scion villains, and, to help the heroes out with all of this, Mission challenges.
Oh, and by the way, this is the penultimate environment.
Next Environment: [REDACTED]