Fjur’s Environment Archive!

Annual Casualty Rate: Twice that of Universe 1
Most Popular Music Genre: Heavy Metal
Most Manufactured Products: Chains, spikes, pouches, guns, explosives

This is a reality different from Universe 1. A more X-TREME REALITY!

The world of the X-TREMEVERSE is indeed far different from the one you know. Here, everything is over-the-top in the most radical ways. Violence is prolific, and it appears that the world’s fashion, music, and culture have not moved on from the 1990’s.

This universe is home to the X-Treme States of America, much of which is a dusty wasteland crisscrossed by lonesome highways. The country’s largest city is the Neon City, which is a mega-city that definitely lives up to its name.


Minor Twists

  • VIOLENT REALITY: This universe is much more X-TREME than most! Roll the environment dice. Boost all targets with the Min die.
  • X-TREME CIVILIAN: A relatively normal civilian enters the fray for no discernible reason! Introduce 1 X-TREMEVERSE Civilian minion (see below) to the scene.

Major Twist

  • UN-X-PLAINABLE FIRES: For some reason, everything is one fire! Roll the environment dice. Attack one target with the Mid die and another target with the Min die.

Minor Twists

  • RAT RAGE: Several of those sick Road Rats ride up to the fight! Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Road Rat minions (see below) to the scene equal to the Mid die.
  • WICKED FIGHTING: This reality is naturally suited to spectacle! Roll the environment dice. Boost all targets with the Mid die.

Major Twist

  • SPIKES EVERYWHERE: Why are there so many spikes? Roll the environment dice. Attack two targets using the Mid die.

Minor Twists

  • X-PATRIETTE BIKERS: A gang of X-Patriette clones arrive at the battle! Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of X-Patriette Biker Clone minions (see below) to the scene equal to the Max die.
  • X-TREME CULMINATION: The X-TREMEVERSE is an intrinsically AWESOME place! Boost all targets with the Max die.

Major Twist

  • IN-X-PLICABLE X-PLOSIONS: Everything is exploding! Roll the environment dice. Attack all targets in the scene with the Max+Min dice.

Road Rat
:d8: Minion

These savage rodents inhabit the inhospitable wasteland that is much of the X.S.A.’s Midwest!

GROUP FIGHTER: A Road Rat has +1 to Attack and Hinder actions while it has at least one nearby ally.

The Road Rats prefer to do combat on the open road and in a group.

X-Patriette Biker Clone
:d10: Minion

These clones of the ruthless X-Patriette prowl the sprawling Neon City.

HECKA POWERFUL AMMO: X-Patriette Biker Clones have +3 to Boost actions targeting themselves.

The X-Patriettes use their tricked-out guns, sharp aim, and grit against their opponents.

:d8: Minion

Even the normal Joes of the X-TREMEVERSE are X-TREME!

X-TREME EVERYMAN: The X-TREMEVERSE Civilian has +2 to Attack actions and save rolls.

An X-TREMEVERSE Civilian is likely to aid the heroes against their enemies.

Editor’s Notes

I may have gone a touch overboard with the CAPITALISATION, X’s, and X-CLAMATION POINTS!!! Oh well.

So, I do fear that this environment may be somewhat, well, bland. It was very tough thinking of ideas for twists. As you can see, each GYRO zone basically has an Attacking twist, a Boosting twist, and a minion-adding twist.

Oh, and if you have no idea what this environment is about, check this out.

Next Environment: Spirit Island