Fjur’s Environment Archive!

It’s been awhile, but here’s one more environment!

The Psychic Plane

Beyond the realm of physical reality, there exists a space inhabited only by thoughts. It is a domain of pure psionic energy, where one can encounter one’s greatest fears, hopes, and dreams.

When one of their own is possessed by a maniacal telepath, or knocked into an inescapable coma, or experiencing severe psychological distress, groups of heroes have been known to venture into this strange, psychedelic realm.

The Psychic Plane
Malleable Surroundings :d10:
Mental Energies :d10:
Realm of Thoughts :d10:

Minor Twists

  • Manifestation of Id: A manifestation of one of the heroes’ Id has materialised. Add 1 Id Manifestation to the scene.
  • Manifestation of Superego: A manifestation of one of the heroes’ Superego has materialised. Add 1 Superego Manifestation to the scene.

Major Twist

  • Vast Mindscape: The psychic plane is a truly vast domain. Divide all the characters present in the scene into a number of different locations, as you see fit. Characters must spend a Boost or Defend action to move to a different location and unite with the others, as usual, unless a character has a Intellectual or Psychic power, in which case they may move to another location for free on their turn.

Minor Twists

  • Villains from the Past: A villain or villains who the heroes have faced before materialise in front of them! Add either 1 Bad Memory lieutenant, or roll the environment dice and add a number of Bad Memory minions equal to the Mid die.
  • Visions of Fear: One character experiences horrific visions of one of their worst fears!
    Overcome the fear
    Until the above challenge is completed, that character cannot affect anything else in the scene save this challenge. Other characters can also attempt the challenge, as normal, but they must suffer a -1 penalty whilst doing so.

Major Twist

  • Visions of Paradise: One character is trapped within a false illusion in which they’ve achieved all of their greatest wants.
    Escape the illusion
    Until the above challenge is completed, that character cannot affect anything else in the scene save this challenge. Other characters can also attempt the challenge, as normal, but they must suffer a -1 penalty whilst doing so.

Minor Twists

  • Friends of the Past: Psychic constructs of the heroes’ allies materialise to add them in their time of need! Add either 1 Ally Memory lieutenant, or roll the environment dice and add a number of Ally Memory minions equal to the Max die.
  • Manifestation of Ego: A manifestation of one of the heroes’ Ego has materialised. Add 1 Ego Manifestation to the scene.

Major Twist

  • Planar Control: One character has seized control of the very fabric of the Psychic Plane! Now and on each environment turn hereafter, the character with control can choose one basic action. Roll the environment, and the environment takes that basic action using the Max die against any number of targets of the character’s choice. A different character can wrest control of the Psychic Plane at any time by succeeding on an Overcome action.

Psychic Plane Threats

Ally Memory
:d10: Minion or Lieutenant

The Psychic Plane can call up the memories of past friends and allies from within heroes’ minds.

Super-Schtick: The Ally Memory has +2 to Overcome actions and to one other type of basic action.

Ally Memories emulate the tactics and fighting styles of the staunch friends that they represent.

Bad Memory
:d8: Minion or Lieutenant

The Psychic Plane can call up the memories of past foes from within heroes’ minds.

Nefarious Nemesis: The Bad Memory has +1 to actions against one specific hero.
Super-Schtick: The Bad Memory has +1 to one type of basic action.

Bad Memories emulate the tactics and fighting styles of the ne’er-do-wells that they represent.

Ego Manifestation
:d8: Lieutenant

This entity is an external reflexion of one hero’s Ego—their organised, conscious mind.

Moderation: Whenever the Ego Manifestation rolls a 1 or the maximum number on its die, reroll its die.

The Ego Manifestation seeks to moderate any behaviour that it identifies as particularly influenced by id or superego.

Id Manifestation
:d10: Minion

This entity is an external reflexion of one hero’s Id—their most primal, instinctual wants and desires.

Instinctive Retaliation: After the Id Manifestation is Attacked or Hindered by an opponent, it rolls its die and deals that much damage to its adversary.

The Id Manifestation seeks out the primal wants of the hero who it is an aspect of.

Superego Manifestation
:d10: Minion

This entity is an external reflexion of one hero’s Superego—the part of them that seeks to fit in with society.

Societal Order: The Superego Manifestation has +2 to Defend actions, and whenever it Hinders, the resulting penalty is at least -2.

The Superego Manifestation will seek to quell any particularly disruptive behaviour.

Editor’s Notes

This is basically just an environment made to facilitate Journey to the Centre of the Mind or Battle in the Centre of the Mind-type stories.

All the information that I used when designing the Id, Ego, and Superego twists just came from this TV Tropes page. Also, I want to state that, as the linked page says, Freud’s conceptualisations of these psychological concepts are “largely discredited today.” Nonetheless, they’re a fairly recognisable motif, and so are useful when designing fictional dreamlands.

Regarding the Vast Mindscape twist, I was originally going to say that only characters with Mobility powers could move around for free (as that’s how the rules normally treat it), but then I though better and changed it to the Intellectual and Psychic powers that you see now.

Also, just to be clear, the bonuses from the two abilities of Bad Memories are cumulative—if one of them uses their special type of action against their nemesis hero, they get +2.

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