And here we have yet another environment. This one’s fairly generic, and can likely be found within the previous environment. (In fact, I originally planned to include some of this one’s twists in that one, but decided to flesh them out into their own environment instead.)
High-Tech Laboratory
Science and technology are cornerstones of society in many worlds throughout the Multiverse. Most such worlds possess technology that is far in advance compared to the timeline that we call home.
The technological and scientific feats of those worlds are of kinds that the scientists of our universe could only dream of — fully autonomous robots, conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, extensive biological modifications, immensely efficient nuclear fission, and the manufacture of exotic subatomic particles are only some of such worlds’ achievements.
All of these technologies and more have been utilised by stalwart heroes in their pursuit of justice. But many nefarious malcontents have also gotten their wicked hands on powerful tech, and use it to further their own heinous schemes.
This laboratory is one place where those miraculous inventions and innovations take place. Here, brilliant scientists and engineers work tirelessly on various scientific projects. Must such laboratories do their work for the betterment of humankind, although others do conduct their experiments purely for greed, or strive towards some other, less savoury goal.
This lab is filled to the brim with highly-advanced machinery, devices, gadgets, exotic energies, test subjects of all stripes, and those aforementioned hard-working scientists, all protected by some of the best security measures.
Whether this laboratory is a civilian establishment that a villain has broken into, or a villainous lab that the heroes mist infiltrate, it will certainly make any conflict much more interesting.
High-Tech Laboratory
Bleeding-Edge Tech
Hazardous Experiments
State-of-the-Art Security
Minor Twists
- Lab Security: The commotion has garnered the attention of one of the lab’s security personnel. Introduce 1 Lab Guard minion (see below) to the scene.
- Robotic Rampage: Either a villain has hacked one of the lab’s advanced android prototypes to fight the heroes, or collateral damage has simply caused the robot’s circuits to malfunction and make it start attacking! Introduce 1 Humanoid Robot minion (see page #410 of the Core Rulebook) to the scene.
Major Twist
- Intruders Detected: The lab’s automated defence systems come online and begin targeting all unauthorised personnel present. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Auto-Turret minions (see page #409 of the Core Rulebook) equal to the Min die to the scene.
Minor Twists
- Endangered Scientists: A number of scientists are in imminent danger from either one or more villains or the hazards of the lab!
Rescue the scientists
Challenge timer
Triggered: The scientists are severely injured or killed.
Completed: A scientist aids their rescuer. Roll the environment dice. Boost the hero who overcame the above challenge with the Mid die. - Extraterrestrial Specimens: Aliens that the lab has been studying break free. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of alien minions found on pages #404-405 of the Core Rulebook equal to the Mid die to the scene.
Major Twist
- Containment Breach: The devices containing one of the lab’s test subjects have failed! Introduced 1 Giant Lab Specimen lieutenant (see below) to the scene.
Minor Twists
- Cutting-Edge Gadgetry: A villain has gotten ahold of some of the lab’s most advanced technology. Roll the environment dice. Boost one villain target with the Max die. That bonus is persistent and exclusive.
- Radiation Leak: The fight has damaged one of the lab’s atomic piles, spewing dangerous Kirby Radiation that both harms and empowers! Roll the environment dice. Attack two targets close to each-other with the Mid die. Then, Boost those targets using the Min die.
Major Twist
- Quantum Reactor Meltdown: The lab’s highly experimental quantum energy reactor has been damaged in the fight, and is now in danger of going critical!
Stabilise the reactor
Challenge timer
Triggered: The reactor overloads in a catastrophic explosion of exotic energy! Roll the environment dice. Take an action using the Max die on each target in the scene, determined by rolling a. On 1-2, Attack. On 3-4, Hinder. On 5-6, Boost.
High-Tech Laboratory Threats
Giant Lab Specimen
This is a normally-small animal that has been enlarged to truly monstrous proportions by the lab’s experimentations, in addition to gaining some other abilities. The specimen could be a rat, mouse, guinea big, lizard, snake, spider, dog, ape, or other animal.Abilities
Frightened Animal: Heroes have +2 to Attack and Hinder actions to calm or tame the Giant Lab Specimen. Additionally, the Giant Lab Specimen’s die can be reduced one size by a successful Overcome action to calm it.
Variable Mutation: The Giant Lab Specimen has one of the following abilities.
- Destructive Breath: When the Giant Lab Specimen Attacks, it can roll its die twice and use the lower result to Attack multiple nearby targets.
- Destructive Rampage: As an action, the Giant Lab Specimen can activate an environmental minor twist of a zone one step closer to Green than the current zone. The Giant Lab Specimen can only use this ability once per zone.
- Energy Immunity: The Giant Lab Specimen is immune to damage from [Element/Energy].
- Enhanced Intelligence: When the Giant Lab Specimen Boosts itself, the resulting bonus is persistent and exclusive.
- Eye Beams: The Giant Lab Specimen has +2 to Attack actions.
- Healing Factor: When the Giant Lab Specimen Defends, increase its die by one size, up to a maximum of a
- Scaly Hide: The Giant Lab Specimen has +2 to damage saves against physical Attacks to harm it.
- Titanic Swing: When the Giant Lab Specimen Attacks, it can Attack two targets close to each-other.
- Venomous: When the Giant Lab Specimen Attacks a target, it Hinders that target with the same roll -2.
- Wings: Once per turn, the Giant Lab Specimen can move to another location in the scene without spending an action.
This monstrous specimen stomps about, destroying everything in its path.
Lab Guard
Labs that are as advanced as this usually hire the best in the security business.Ability
Subdual Weaponry: When a Lab Guard Hinders a target, it also Attacks that same target using the value of that penalty.Tactics
Guards will almost always fight to subdue rather than to kill, but may attack more lethally if their own lives are at stake.
Editor’s Notes
In regards to the Endangered Scientists twist, I initially considered adding an all-hero, morale-based Hinder to the consequences if it wasn’t completed in time, but then I decided to do the exact opposite and reward the hero who completes it with a free Boost. I figure (and hope) that preventing the scientists from being wounded/killed is incentive enough for heroes to save them, even without any mechanical consequences for failure (save being deprived of the reward, of course.)
Oh, also, it is, of course, left to the GM’s discretion whether the scientists are merely injured or outright killed. This decision will be influenced by the tone of the campaign, naturally. If I were to run this environment, I would almost certainly favour the former result.
Regarding the Extraterrestrial Specimens twist, you’ll note that it specifies alien minions, so naturally Dymkharn is not a valid choice, as he is a lieutenant. Also, the aliens introduced by this twist can all be the same type or different types, as the GM sees fit.
The Giant Lab Specimen is actually one of the primary reasons I wanted to make this environment, as I especially like its Frightened Animal ability. This lieutenant also joins the ranks of being one with a variable ability, much like the Minor Spirit, the Fey-Advisor, and the Minor Villain. If you’re pressed for time and simply can’t be bothered to choose its Variable Mutation, I suggest Scaly Hide or Titanic Swing as defaults.
I’m not sure if the Destructive Rampage ability is balanced. It is certainly quite weaker than the two villain abilities that cause environment twists, but it should be, as it’s only a lieutenant ability.