Fjur’s Environment Archive!

In celebration of Earth Day, here’s a thematically-appropriate environment! (Yes, I know that Earth Day was yesterday; I meant to post it then, but things happened.)

Polluted Fey-Realm

The realm that contains Earth is but one of a multitude of planes that exist alongside one another. The mortal realm of Earth is one of crossroads; beyond it, though, there exist realms of emotion and apathy, of torment and madness, of the unknowable and of endless destruction. There also exists the Realm of the Fey.

Home to the monarchs of the fey, the Dagda and the Morrigan, as well as their trusted advisors and numerous courtiers, the Fey-Realm is a place of both unbridled nature and and deceptive danger. The realm contains many idyllic glades and sylvan woods, but its inhabitants are as powerful as they are cunning. You would do well to avoid it altogether, but sometimes fate is not kind enough to provide that option.

Dr. Benjamin Garner was a brilliant scientist who wanted nothing more than to solve Earth’s energy crisis. A series of unfortunate events, however, led to his transformation into a grim reaper of death known only as Necrosis. Necrosis possessed the unique ability to harvest the very life-force from creatures, drawing it into himself and leaving his victims mindless husks.

If Necrosis somehow managed to come to the Fey-Realm and begin harvesting the vitae of its native inhabitants, the energy he would reap would be great, and the husks created powerful. Unfortunately, that is precisely what has happened.

Polluted Fey-Realm
Fey Inhabitants :d8:
Sylvan Realm :d10:
Vile Pollution :d10:

Minor Twists

  • Otherworldly Flora: The terrain of the Fey-Realm is both enchanting and hazardous. Roll the environment dice. Hinder one target with the Mid die.
  • Primeval Courtiers: A group of fey appear to protect their realm from any interlopers. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number of Fey-Courtier minions to the scene equal to the Min die.

Major Twist

  • Bonds of Power and Servitude: The heroes are offered the chance to enter into a bargain with powerful fey. This deal will provide you with power now, but at what cost? Roll the environment dice. Boost any willing heroes with the Mid die. These bonuses are persistent and exclusive.

Minor Twists

  • Necrotic Husks: Husks created by Necrosis shamble into view. Roll the environment dice. Introduce a number Husk minions to the scene equal to the Mid die.
  • Oppressive Smog: A choking haze fills the air, making acting difficult. Hinder all targets that need to breath with the Min die.

Major Twist

  • Helpful Advisor: One of the Fey-Monarchs’ advisors appears to either give advice or engage in battle. Introduce 1 Fey-Advisor lieutenant to the scene.

Minor Twists

  • Corrosive Waste: Necrosis’s assault on this realm has brought acidic materials that burn like fire at the slightest touch. Roll the environment dice. Attack all targets with the Mid die.
  • Repulsive Sludge: Muck produced as a byproduct from Necrosis’s actions hinders movement. Roll the environment dice. Hinder all targets with the Mid die.

Major Twist

  • Payments Exacted: The time to repay the fey’s generosity has come. Roll the environment dice. Hinder or Attack each target with a bonus from the Bonds of Power and Servitude twist using the Max die.

Polluted Fey-Realm Threats

:d10: Lieutenant

Elder Ogma, Champion Lugh, and Trickster Puck are all advisors to the monarchs of the fey, but they are also willing to aid the heroes . . . for a price. Choose one of the below abilities for the Fey-Advisor.

Lugh’s Might: As an action, the Fey-Advisor Attacks a willing hero at -2, then Boosts that hero at +2.
Ogma’s Wisdom: As an action, the Fey-Advisor destroys one bonus on a willing hero, then Boosts that hero at +2.
Puck’s Caprice: As an action, the Fey-Advisor rolls its die. On an even result, it Boosts a hero target, and on an odd result, it Hinders a hero target.

When not striking bargains, a Fey-Advisor will likely defend its home alongside its kin.

:d6: Minion

Salamanders, will-o’-the-wisps, leprechauns, pixies, and many other sorts of beings call the Fey-Realm home.

Emissary of the Fey: A Fey-Courtier has +2 to Boost actions targeting a target with a bonus from the Bonds of Power and Servitude environmental twist.

Fey-Courtiers usually refrain from acting against anyone who has struck a bargain with the fey, but they will likely regard any other strangers as enemies.

:d8: Minion

These shambling forms are what remain of Necrosis’s victims after he’s drained them of all vitality.

Putrefying Demise: When a Husk is defeated by damage from itself, Necrosis, or the Corrosive Wastes environmental twist, it first Attacks at +2 or Hinders, making the resulting penalty persistent and exclusive.
Unstable Underling: When a Husk Attacks a hero target, it also Hinders that target at -2 and Attacks itself.

Husks follow Necrosis’s subconscious demands unerringly, although they lack the intelligence needed to do any relatively complex tasks.

Editor’s Notes

For anyone who’s not already aware of these characters:

When I first decided that I wanted to do an Earth Day environment, my first idea was simply “Wilderness taken over by Akash’Bhuta.” I though that that was a touch too predictable, though—plus Akash’Bhuta isn’t even around anymore in the RPG Era.

I also thought about simply making the environment be “The Wilderness,” but that’s not exactly exciting, is it? I then thought of, individually, the ideas to make a Necrosis-caused-pollution environment and a Fey-Realm environment, so I decided to combine the two!

I quite like how I’ve worked the Bond mechanic into the environment, really; there may’ve been a better way to do it, but I think mine’s quite adequate.

I didn’t originally plan on giving each of the canonical advisors their own ability, but, in the end, I did. Speaking of which, though, Puck’s was rather tough to decide on. One of my other ideas for it was to have him swap mods betwixt two characters. I’m also not sure whether I’m happy with the one I ended up with.

I do realise that the environment does seem—to me, at any rate—like the seed for an adventure issue. I may get around to writing that sometime in the future. We’ll see.

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