To kick things off with a suitably inaugural villain, here’s the first villain I ever created for the SCRPG!
Doctor Shark
Alias: Dr. Salvadore “Sal” Achian
Approach: Creator
Archetype: Inventor
Health: 25 + ( × 5)
Marine Biology
Status: Inventions (Mods)
4+ Inventions
2-3 Inventions
1 Invention
0 Inventions
Aquatic Genius (A): Boost using Inventions and use your Max die, also Boost with your Mid die, and either make one of those bonuses persistent and exclusive or Attack with your Min die.
Selachian Versatility (A): Boost using Inventions. Hinder with your Max die. Attack with your Min die.
- Sharkbots, Activate! (A): Use Robotics to create a number of minions equal to the value of your Max die. The starting die size for those minions is the same as the size of your Min die.
Swarm Barrage (A): Attack using Shark-Lazer and use your Max die, with a bonus equal to the number of minions you control.
- (U) Autonomous Mega-Shark (I): Doctor Shark occasionally constructs a much larger sharkbot than is usual: a
Mega-Shark lieutenant with the following abilities. (When using this upgrade, Doctor Shark has 15 additional Health.)
Marine Bombardment (A): Attack all heroes with the Mega-Shark’s roll. Use this ability only if the Mega-Shark is below its starting die size or the scene is in the Red zone.
- School Leader (I): When the Mega-Shark Boosts on its turn, roll twice and use the higher result.
- Sturdy Frame (I): When rolling a damage save, add 2 to the result.
(M) Master of Total Chaos (I): If you are in a situation where everything is spiraling out of control, automatically succeed in an Overcome to accomplish a task by throwing out the rules.
Doctor Shark
Alias: Dr. Salvadore “Sal” Achian
Gender: Male
Age: 20s
Height: 5’7"
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Skin: Brown
Build: Fit
Costume/Equipment: Sea-blue, form-sitting top and pants underneath a white lab coat. His shark-lazer is a small, hand-held metallic device that resembles a shark’s head with a crimson glow emanating from the open maw and eyes.
Approach: Creator
Archetype: Inventor
Salvadore Achian—Sal to his friends—was born the heir to an international corporation. From a young age, he decided to dedicate himself to helping the creatures of the sea. Thus, he used his hereditary wealth to receive an expensive, world-class education in marine biology, and went to work caring for the ocean’s creatures. He held a particular fondness for sharks, as he greatly admired their powerful majesty.
However, as he become more and more engrossed in his work, Dr. Achian began to realise that the number-one threat to the sea life that he cared so deeply for was none other than humanity itself. Careless, reckless humans poisoned the sea with plastic and oil and mining, they destroyed the habitats of sea creatures, and overfished them until their numbers were pitiable low. Even his beloved sharks were hunted down by filthy humans for their fins. And worse still, when Sal went to plead with those who were harming his finny friends to stop this madness, they turned him away. Dr. Sal Achian was enraged. No one cared for the lives of the creatures of the sea! Taking the name of Doctor Shark, he vowed to even the score.
After constructing a army of robot sharks, Doctor Shark begin his crusade. He targeted power plants, oil rigs, undersea mining operations, and any other enterprises that were endangering the sea. Sure, some people got hurt, some killed, but that’s what they deserved. More rarely, he would simply openly attack cities or other population centres on wild rampages of revenge. Other times he would abduct government officials or other individuals of celebrity and hold then hostage until his demands were met, which were invariably something related to improving the lot of sea life.
Capabilities and Motivations
Doctor Shark used his share in his inherited company to finance his schemes. He built numerous robotic duplicates of sharks, and outfitted them with advanced laser weaponry and razor-sharp maws. Although they were most formidable in watery environs, Dr. Achian also gave them retractable legs for traversing land and miniature jet thrusters for manoeuvring in the air. For himself, he built a hand-held shark-lazer, along with other shark-themed gadgets and devices. Due to his work, Sal is also a very good swimmer. And, of course, he also constructed a floating headquarters for himself.
Doctor Shark’s standard sharkbots are usually around the height of a person. Occasionally, though, he builds a much larger Mega-Shark, up to 12 feet tall. Such Mega-Sharks usually act as commanders of his other robots, receiving intel from them and directing how they act via shortwave radio signals.
Doctor Shark’s Minions
They’re robot sharks with lasers that can walk on land and fly through the air.Ability
Marine Menaces: While in water, Sharkbots have +1 to Attack actions and damage saves.Tactics
Sharkbots either focus on completing their assigned objective—which is usually to destroy something—or on protecting their master and chomping on anyone who tries to get to close to him.
Editor’s Notes
Dr. Sal is not to be confused with this Doctor Shark, or with this board game of the same name.
I started out just wanting to make a shark-themed villain; the idea of him being an Green Aesop Eco-Terrorist Anti-Villain (i.e., Aquaman but a villain) just sorta evolved naturally from that starting point. Like so many other villains, his motivations are fairly understandable—he simply takes his convictions too far. I could undoubtedly see him teaming up with heroes for a short time to fight a common enemy who is harming sea life (or, ya’know, the whole planet).
Why Sal didn’t simply use his company’s resources to help sea life is a mystery.
And yes, he’s a marine biologist who also knows how to build robots and lasers and stuff. Hey, if Hank Pym can get away with it . . .
Oh, and Doc Shark is totally someone who would prefix all the names of his stuff with “shark-”.
I briefly flirted with the idea of him using actual shark as minions, before realising that he’d never but them in danger like that. Hence, robo-sharks.