Looking for info on actual play

Alright, here’s what I’ve got:

  1. GM exclusively. I’ve built PC heroes, but never had a chance to play one, as I’ve never really run into another SCRPG GM.
  2. I think that I bought the game’s core book back in January 2022.
  3. Very infrequently. Over those 3 years, I believe that I’ve run precisely 6-8 sessions.
  4. Hmm. Probably 3ish hours? My small sample size means I don’t have a very good answer for this one.
  5. Yeah, I think most of the sessions I’ve run are pretty one-shoty, or at least ultra-tiny mini-arcs. I’ve run Conspiracy of Clone from the corebook, and a one-shot featuring Baron Blade, which I intended to jumpstart an ongoing game, but its reception was quite poor.
  6. Sure, I guess you could say that. I ran a “three-issue” arc centred on the insidious Doctor Shark and his titanic Sharkolossus. (The “three-issue” is in quotes because only the first and last sessions were actually about Dr. S.'s plot — the second one was an unrelated story where Drudge upstaged the Daniel Montgomery Memorial Science Fair for some reason.)
  7. Nope, I’ve not been that lucky. I’ll probably once again see if I can wrangle some folks into that at some indeterminable point in the future, after the current campaign I’m running in another system is completed.
  8. Gosh, uhm . . . like, 15 minutes for Conspiracy of Clones, practically nothing for the Doctor Shark Trilogy besides making up his villain sheet, and maybe, like, a few hours for everything else?
  9. For those few sessions I’ve run, yup. Conspiracy of Clones and the Blade one-shot are both obviously set in Sentinel Comics, and Doctor Shark was confronted by Absolute Zero and the Wraith in Megalopolis, and I ran a couple of other sessions that featured cameos from the Freedom Five, Daybreak, and Neighborhood Watch.
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