I totally got it. Victory with all heros at full hp. And somewhat by accident. IE: I did not go into the game trying to do this, I realized when I had the villan beat that it was possible to score a flawless victory, and I got it. I’ll explain how I did it below. Requires RC. Also, this was done on Advanced Mode.
Villan: Spite.
Environment: Industrial Complex
Team: Mr. Fixer, Expatriette, Tempest, Ra.
If I was going to attempt this again, I’d put in somebody with an armor card in their deck instead of Expatriette. Possibly Fanatic or Bunker, but most likely Legacy for additional healing from Motivational charge. Expatriette is great though, and was critical in actually dealing the damage to get the villan down to a defeatable stage in the first place.
Part 1; Spite. Why Spite? Well, because Spite happens to be great for this. You’ll see why in a moment. Suffice it to say, your goal is to get him beat but not kill him. Let him flip, hopefully with several victims in the safe house, and bring him down to 5-10 hp. For those of you who dont know, Spite starts out playing villan cards and acessing his Drug cards, which are not ongoing cards and cant be destroyed, and if they would be destroyed (End of Days) they go back into play instead. However, once Spite has all his drugs out he flips and NO LONGER PLAYS VILLAN CARDS. (dealing 1 damage to all but the lowest hero instead, which is buffed by some of his drugs).
Part 2; Industrial Complex. Actually this worked out pretty good. Ra was eventually at the point where he had his whole deck in his hand, so he could keep playing Excavation and putting the Biometric Plasma Vat back on the bottom of the environement deck, which was eventually pretty much also the top of the enviroment deck. Biometric Vat heals all targets for 1 hp. As I said, once his whole deck is in his hand, you can play Excavation as much as you want to keep the Vats more or less on top (I used a rat as insurance for the 3rd card).
Part 3: the team
Expatriette: Not necessary. A great character, but you could sub in anybody you want for her. As I said, maybe Legacy would be a good choice. However I must say, her Load power is quite useful in the beginning when you’re trying to buff and you have to return equipment to your hand, you can get stuff back out again.
Mr. Fixer: Not necessary either, but a good choice. Mantis Crane style helps to keep him alive and not take too much damage, he also has a tool that reduces damage to himself by 1. Your favorite cards here are going to be Grease Gun (nonhero targets cant deal damage) and Salvage Yard (get back Grease Gun).
Ra: Ra’s primary use was environment control and damage, you probably could sub in anybody for him… His lack of an armor card hurt quite a bit. He was the hardest to get up to max hp.
Tempest: Tempest is your lynchpin. He does literally everything that makes this work. You’re going to want Cleansing Downpour (obviously), as well as Otherworldly Resilience. Buff all characters as much as you can, don’t worry about taking too much damage until after he flips… but once he does… You play Into the Stratosphere on his drug cards. This puts them back on top of his villan deck, it does not destroy the card, so it doesn’t come back into play. Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, once Spite flips, he no longer plays villan cards… so he cant get them back. I got rid of Compound Upsilon first, followed by Compound XI, followed by Demons Kiss (and left Compound Omicron and Mind Phyre in play). Use Reclaim from the Deep to retrieve this card from your trash if possible.
Ideally you have a vat healing you for 1 damage, Mind Phyre dealing 1 damage to all targets, and Spite dealing 1 damage to all but the lowest target. Using Grease Gun can prevent some damage and helps a lot. Eventually Cleansing Downpour will top everyone off, and then you just go crazy with all your characters who by now have their ultimate setup. It might be more effective to also Stratosphere Mind Phyre and just have Ra put rats on top all the time, whose damage ideally will be absorbed by armor. Your team should have no problem killing the rats so they go back in the trash for Ra to retrieve.