Please can fleet Limits be fully clarified rmore accuratly when to pply them , as this is a fundemental mechanism ofthe game.
I have read many posts on this and can make ssumptions hoever like most of the rules in this game an assumption can totally change everything.
I like the rules simplicity vs tctical/strategic options but really feel irritated by the lack of clarity, which I believe will cuse issues if I introduce it to my gaming group. They enjoy Sentinals but are very unforgiving when it comes to basic rules.
Fleet Limit = strike force ships +2 per space sector.
Apply When drawing a station card - Yes that is clear
Do not apply when opposition ships travel - Yes that has been calrified
Do not apply when the Flagship enters play but does the flagship count towards the limit?
When a mission card becomes an opposition ship ? (I have been scrapping it)
When a Boost calls for an opposition ship to be drawn ? (I have been drawing and scrapping but feel this may be wrong)
When a mission card triggers an opposition ship? Class as general mission card triggers similar to above.
In my first game I let a sectot get overrun and over fleet limit. Which also allowed me to negate many of the opposition ship creation actions. using a well boosted vigilance and grey hammer I effectivey made a killing ground. Imay have plyed wrongly by Ignoring ship creation from mission cards and not drawing opposition ships.
Second, here is a GSF FAQ I wrote that should answer most of those questions.
But, I will answer them here, also.
Apply When drawing a station card - Yes that is clear
Do not apply when opposition ships travel - Yes that has been calrified
Do not apply when the Flagship enters play but does the flagship count towards the limit? The Flagship does count to the limit.
When a mission card becomes an opposition ship ? (I have been scrapping it) It will enter play, even if the Sector is at the Fleet Limit
When a Boost calls for an opposition ship to be drawn ? (I have been drawing and scrapping but feel this may be wrong) Scrap it.
When a mission card triggers an opposition ship? Class as general mission card triggers similar to above. Scrap it.
Here are some simple rules to help you remember.
If something is deployed into a Sector, it is scrapped.
If something moves into a Sector, it is not scrapped.
Now, using these rules, let's go over the questions again:
Apply When drawing a station card - Yes that is clear Correct, because it is being deployed for the first time in the Sector.
Do not apply when opposition ships travel - Yes that has been calrified Correct, because it is already in the game and just moving.
Do not apply when the Flagship enters play but does the flagship count towards the limit? The Flagship starts the game in the game, however, it is in deep space, not one of the Sectors. Therefore, when the Falgship Panel flips, it is "moving" not "deploying."
When a mission card becomes an opposition ship ? (I have been scrapping it) This is because the "card" has already been deployed in the Sector legally. The ship side isn't being deployed in the Sector. Note, however, that it can enter the Sector even if the front side is a ship (the Blockade), this is just a special rule.
When a Boost calls for an opposition ship to be drawn ? (I have been drawing and scrapping but feel this may be wrong) Since it is being deployed into the Sector, it will be scrapped.
When a mission card triggers an opposition ship? Class as general mission card triggers similar to above. This is different than above. In the case above, the "card," which has a ship on the back, has already been deployed in the Sector, so it can remain there. However, if a Mission card plays the top card of the Opp deck or flips a Station card, that card will be scrapped. This is becayse that particular card did not start in the Sector, it is being deployed at the time the Mission card triggers it.
Correct, do not scrap. I treat ist as a ship, too.
Incorrect, do not scrap it.
Correct, scrap it.
I do not understand. What do you mean by trigger? If it is playing the card of a sector deck, see 1) and scrap it, if it is playing from the oppositon deck, see 5 and scrap it. If it moves a ship that's already in play, see 2) and scrap it.
Generally the rule is you can move ships around the table, ignoring the fleet limit, but if a new ship comes onto the table from a deck and the secrtor is at the fleet limit, it is scrapped instead. The Flagship is an odd case as it's already on the table in a way on its imepnding side, so it counts as being on the table and travellign to the secotr rather than being a new ship from the deck.