Flow of Fiery Lava

Hello there.
I bought the Core Game at a local store and
it looks like I am missing a card.
I have the Flow of Fiery Lava Environment Card but I am missing the Scenario Power Card, I think. Was playing Scenario 2 II of Citizen Dawn and found out.
Can someone reply with the text on the card, so I can play and advise me on how to get a replacement card.

Thank you for your support !

They are one and the same card

So, how do we use it ?
In the scenario, it is confusing.
The volcano sits alone in a corner of the map, so the lava hexes seem a long way to burn down the shards !

Just follow the rules on the card. Honestly, the Citizen Scenarios are probably the worst in the whole game balance wise, so just follow the card text as best you can. On some rolls the lava can flow faster than others so its kinda a luck of the roll sorta deal either way.

I might be dumb on this one, but I still don’t clearly understand.
So, I make an attack when someone triggers and lava hexes appear ?

Honestly, I'm confused because I have no idea what you're confused about.

Forget what I said before, I missed that you were on map #2 and not #3. No lava hexes will appear other than the ones in the volcano. Lava hexes work just like any other hazard space in the game, and the attack code for that hazard are on the FLow of Fiery Lava card. That card exists for nothing else but to give the attack code of the hazard (else how would you know how many die to roll for moving through lava?). The volcano is in the far corner, sure, but the Citizen player needs to get shards to that corner in order to win as you can read in the Objective section of the rulebook. 

To your previous point, yes the volcano is far away. This map in particular has like a 5% chance for villains to win, its terrible. Phantaskippy can come chime in here because he has some errata rules for this scenario to make it better for villains. Your only chance as the villain without errata is to make a human chain of Citizens from the left side of the map to the volcano and pass shards up the chain.

I think the rules for the scenario are pretty clearly written, so I am very unsure if I'm helping you or not. If not, elaborate a bit more clearly and we will 100% help you out.

Flow of Fiery Lava just makes the lava hexes on the Volcano hazard spaces.

Any target entering a lava hex will face a hazard attack, they will face another attack if they end their turn on a lava hex.


In Scenario 3 Dawn gains the ability (Geothermal Power) to make new Lava hexes, which will then also make hazard attacks against anyone entering that hex or ending their turn on a lava hex.


As Foote said there are problems with Scenario 2.

The current best rules changes for making it work are:

1.  Only use 5 shards.
2.  Winner of Scenario 1 gets 1 shard in their victory pile.  (if you didn't play Scenario 1 have all five carried by citizens)
3.  The other 4 shards are given to Citizens of the Citizen players choice.  (all 4 shards are being carried at the start of the game)
4.  First team to get 3 shards in their victory pile win.
5.  The Tachyon rule:  When carrying a shard none of a target's actions are unlimited.  (Without this Tachyon can win the match single handed, imagine the flash in a game of capture the flag, super speed is kind of broken in that setting)


Foote, my old nemesis, posting while I'm looking through everything to make sure I have it right.

Love you! :heart:  xoxoxoxo

Thank you for your replies.
I clearly understand now. Only way that lava appears is with Geothermal power thing and (if) Villains won Scenario 2 for 6 lava tokens for free at beginning.

For skirmish or anything else, I can improvize :slight_smile:

Yes. When Tactics first came out I got to play a bunch of games with Adam in the hotel. One thing he did that I really liked was at the end of each round you roll two D6s, one for direction and one for amount of lava hexes it flowed (choose which directions each number is before hand). You can take something along those lines and run with it.