For sale but not for shipping?

So I totally understand that backers get first priority of shipping, but out of curiosity why give the option to purchase something if ultimately you can’t ship the product? Why not say coming soon instead?

My guess is >G set aside a set of copies for everyone who orders beyond a certain date. There are bound to be extra copies set aside not only for people who "just found out" but also people now being introduced to the game and damaged copies.  They probably will ship the product but they have to ship the product to the people who first put out their money and said "Hey, make this expansion happen."

To say it won't ultimately ship is to say it isn't coming out.  It's here, the question is how many extra copies do they have. I'm curious how many people who have played SotM with a friend jumped the bandwagon and decide....hey...I want my own copy as well.

I'm also willing to bet that if they DID sell out of extra copies that you would probably recieve an option of what you would like to do (refund, pre-order, change what you are ordering)

oh there is no 'small amount' of extra coppies. >G is not a big company, they dont do regular print runs - they get their moneys worth by doing very very large print runs at once, and holding the extras in their warehouse.


That being said, you order it now, that order likely goes onto the bottom of their 'We're packing these up!' pile of orders - which at last update was still 800 strong. Youll probably get yours shipped at the end of the kickstarters list, so in 2-3 days.

You might consider ordering from an online retailer. On BGG someone claimed they had an email from one of the online retailers that they have permission to began shipping on Friday. You would probably get the game the same day as directly and maybe save a few bucks. 


Heck, depending on which online retailer you buy from, you might get it before the people at the end of Kickstarter list. For example if you lived in the same town as an online retailer. 


Edit: the guys are working as hard as they can, it will happen soon :).

Sadly ordering from another retailer isn't an option...last week i saw they were for sale so I ordered ST and all the mini expansions.


I don't feel like they took my money and are hordeing it or anything, i totally understand that Kickstarter needs to get paid out first.  I just wish in the future, things wouldn't be listed for sale on the website until they are actually for sale...this way i could be checking my local game store or finding another retailer, or something other than neurotically checking my order every 8 hours in the vein hope of seeing something other than "payment recieved"


In a wierd way i feel punished for getting the game for christmas...the kickstarter was over, there was no way to get on the i just get cockteased every day :)

Yeah, I wondered the same thing when I saw the game posted as available on the website since I knew it probably wouldn't be available to non-kickstarters for at least a week or two while those orders got shipped. I imagine that the GTG guys, like us, just got very excited when the game came in and wished to share it with the world as quickly as possible and then got really busy with the packing to change the default shipping settings. I expect it will all be handled differently for future kickstarter products. 

Sorry about any confusion. The reason we put it up for sale right when we got it is that we knew we'd get a bunch of orders, and it saves us a huge amount of time if we can send a big bunch of orders to FedEx for bulk label printing all at once instead of having to make each label manually one at a time. In the future, we'll communicate better about shipping times, etc, when we put new products up at the same time that Kickstarter rewards ship.