Form-Changer vs. Modular

Hello everyone,

So, what is the difference between the Form-Changer and Modular Archetypes? Now, there are some obvious differences, including different Principles, Powers, Dice, and Abilities. But conceptually, the two seem quite similar to me. They are both simply Archetypes that allow a Hero to change into different forms/modes. Why would I ever choose one compared to the other?

I love SCRPG, its my favorite system and i promote it heavily, but if there is one thing I dislike about it its that I think the form charge, modular, and divided archtypes aren’t very good. I think they add a lot of complexity too a character without adding that much flavor, others disagree.

In theory the difference between form changer and modulcar is the form charger just has two forms they go between: i.e the bruce banner/the hulk or dr. jeckall/mr hyde. And modular has multiple forms. I.e a werewolf who can be a person, a wolf, or a giant werewolf. So if you want a character that has a normal form and a Super Powered Evil side, Form Changer. If you want someone who shifts between multiple different forms depending on the situation, Modular.

Edit: divide and form changer both kind of step on each others toes more, imo, and then Modular is “what if you want more then one other form”

Form Changer has four forms though, not two (base, two green forms, one yellow form).

I think the intended main gimmick of Modular is that each mode offers drawbacks, in addition to advantages. Each mode restricts what abilities you can use and limits you to only a subset of your powers. In exchange though, the abilities that modular offers are very powerful.

Basically it’s about high-risk-high-reward. You have the potential be even more effective than most heroes, but also the risk of being stuck in the wrong mode and being unable to contribute.

Form Changer is more about flexibility. Each of your forms is good at a different thing, but they also don’t restrict what you can do at all. You can even swap out your powers entirely between different forms, which isn’t something that Modular offers. In exchange, Form Changer’s abilities are less powerful than Modular’s.

Form Changer is comparatively much easier to build and play than Modular, while still offering greater flexibility than most heroes.