Freedom Five HQ?

Just been wondering: does the Freedom Four/Five have an official HQ of its own?

The annual implies that they met somewhere to start with, but it's not exactly specified where. And naturally since there aren't actually other comics in circulation, we won't quite know for sure outside of word from the creators. :P

Do they have an actual central HQ they meet in? Or are meetings just an ad hoc affair with whatever is available/provided by allies?

Not that I have any actual knowledge, but in the fic I am writing, they have one in or around Megalopolis. And since heroes in Sentinels comics seem to be more willing to create momentary team-ups in the face of extreme threats, I figure the non Freedom Four/Five at least have access and will shuffle through on occasion (at least the ones who are the chummy sort). For example, I'm pretty sure that even if they aren't technically part of the Freedom Five, Unity and Young Legacy are there. A lot.

The basis for my supposition comes primarily from Miss Information's deck- Unity swears she didn't put the fork in the microwave, Tempest is called out, even Ex-Patriette (who's the least likely in my book) gets something, etc. My fan conclusion: she goes after them because she knows them because they've all come by at some point or another.

To compare, I'd guess it would be like the Avengers Mansion/ Tower, and less like a Justice League floating space station. Part HQ with employees, part fire house for people to stay in, part fraternity house for people to hang out together.

Plus you have to consider the fact that they're government-funded. Having a central base of operations (most likely in DC itself) seems like the least of the strings that would be attached to that.

Also they have an assistant Amina Twain (Miss Information) and on her character card features her at a deck with an FV icon behind her. So that seems to be a good indicator.

Doesn't Miss Information's deck have a card with a shot of the base? It's the one where she is in her villain garb dragging tachyon by the hair and there is a big cliff like structure with FV carved into it, and a door. It looked like the hero base to me

YES. So there's definitely a base (why else WOULD they have a receptionist if they didn't have some place where they'd need to receive?), the question becomes where.


And also how they manage to avoid having it blown up by Baron Blade on a regular basis. Maybe they don't.


Moreso than even Avengers Tower/Mansion, I feel like the FV HQ would be like the Baxter Building or Four Freedoms Plaza from Fantastic Four.  

Aminia would be running the front desk, a la an evil version of Pepper Potts...

super hero Fiat on not getting blow up. only traitors from the inside can blow up superhero bases (ala miss information)

and she is more than the receptionist. she’s a Personal assistant to all the heroes that comes through… imagine that he he’ll a pa of a major ceo goes through and multiply that by 5 at least + a factor for dealing with supernatural stuff… now wonder she snapped.

...especially since they LET HER DIE!!!

This more than anything is a hint that I need to get the mini expansions. -_- They're cheap on their own, sure, but shipping to Hawaii is a whopping 10-15 dollars. Yikes!

Due to that, I wasn't aware of the content of Miss Information's deck, or the fact a good chunk refers to a supergroup base. I'll have to invest and check that out.

Still, if it's left vague enough for the players to interpret, works for me! I'm planning on writing narrative AARs out of future games I play; what I love about this game is the fact that the gameplay makes it very easy to visualize a fight scene in your head. Until I get a better idea of the world's canon (read: get more expansion packs! :P ), I'd probably (to start with) have them meet in an ad hoc manner near or at the emergency site. Meeting at a command post/medical refuge in Megalopolis while Omnitron is rampaging wouldn't be a stretch...

I think my favorite part of that is that she thinks they let her die - we don't actually know if that was what she "saw" or if she just snapped for some reason and went nuts, suddenly believing in an alternate reality that doesn't/won't exist.

Or even better: Someone else manipulated her and made her believe in the alternate reality…


or she only saw a /portion/ of the future and right after the vision ends, Legacy pulls her from t he rubble.


OR because she went all crazy and snapped she actually creates the situation where they, unknowingly, let her die... 




and now I'm humming the Dr Who theme song to myself.

It does seem somewhat dangerous, if you are worried that you will be left to die by your superhero bosses, to try to kill them first. What if while she has them out on a distraction an actual emergency comes up (see my post above about Baron Blade)? And they didn't leave her to die so much as she dies because she's sent them on wild goose chases.

Sounds like a possible location deck they can do :)


Hopefully they had that plan as a part of a future exapansion

I would love to see that in a location.  Especially some kind of Danger Room-esque area.  But, it has been confirmed in the offical comic that there is a Freedom Five HQ.  Last panel, Legacy speaks.  Additionally, they have a computer that Wraith wants...

I just read that part, good catch! Still doesn't say WHERE it is...I'm just going to assume Megalopolis?

Geographically, Sentinel Comics seems to have more in common with DC than Marvel - that is to say, instead of one city where over 90% of all heroes ever operate (Marvel's New York), each hero has a signature base of operations (Legacy gets Megalopois, the Rook City crowd Gotham it up together, Nightmist has Arkham, and so on).  So I assume that, like the Justice League, the F5 have a base which is not in or near any major cities - either hidden in some scenic locale (perhaps Cheyenne Mountain Complex, due to government funding and Tachyon being a Stargate fan?), or in space.


In my own games, I assume the latter, and use Wagner Mars Base to represent battles there.

Naw, the F5 headquarters is totally in Megalopolis.


*smoke bombs*

Heh, can't be right all the time - thanks for the information!

(But are people allowed to use smoke bombs in Megalopolis?  I thought that Rook City made its money through tourism by legalizing items such as Smoke Bombs which controlled substances elsewhere in the country - it's the Las Vegas of ninjas.)


On a semi-related note, does anyone have any catchy names they use for the extended Freedom Five "family"?  Unity, Nightmist, and to a lesser extent, Mr. Fixer are all associated with the team, but they don't get counted among the Five.  "The Freedom Four to Eight" is just awkward and cumbersome, but I don't really have anything better.  My first instinct would be the Freedom Force, but as everyone knows, that's a totally different hero team focused around an indestructible man with a patriotic legacy and a sullen man trapped in powered armor to contain his powers, who are warned of an alien invasion by an otherworldly visitor and fight against a superpowered mobster.  Or, I guess, it's just the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants working for the government or something.  Point is, the name's taken.

There's lots of names meaning "group," I suppose, but something like the Freedom Legion, or The Freedom Corps, or The Freedom Coterie does lose the alliteration which normally would be tragically murdered by Iron Legacy as part of his drive for conquest.  The only word there other than "Force" I can think of would make them "The Freedom Faction," but that's awfully bland.

On the other hand, their logo reads FV (back in the day, I suppose it was the far less striking FIV?), so maybe something playing off that as a letter, rather than a Roman Numeral?  The Freedom... Victors?  You see my problem.


P.S. I suppose that "Freedom Family" plays off of what I called them at the outset, but that's just not a deeply thematic name for a paid, government-regulated group.