(Note) If Tachyon disappeared in the last Chapter because Baron Blade managed to attract the moon to collide with the Earth, she can't be used in this Chapter.
If Legacy get captured and the team didn't manage to beat Baron Blade in Atlantis, Legacy can't be used in this chapter.
A few months after Baron Blade incident, there is a woman who enters the Freedom Four HQ in Megalopolis. She asks to speak with the Freedom Four team. When the receptionist Aminia Twain ask the visitor to reveal her identity, she refuses to answer any other question to anyone other than The Freedom Four members. A little offended Aminia takes the phone on her desk and calls the members of the team to meet up at the Head Quarter. Legacy come meets the stranger first and asks her to follow him. They end up in a huge room with tons of computers and differents machine. There is a containment chamber in this room that appear to be frozen from the inside with a man that seem alive inside. After only a few minutes every member of the team gathers up in the room, except Meredith Stinson. This is something the other members can't understand. Even if she is the fastest women alive, she is always late...
When Meredith finally show up, 30 minutes later, the visitor starts to talk about a terrorist organization that plans a massive attack on Megalopolis. This organization calls themselves the citizen of the sun. Their leader is called Citizen Dawn and can use a massive amount of energy she captures from the sun rays. She considers her organization to be the heir of the humanity and plan to take over the world by taking down the government one by one. Her first target is megalopolis, the center of the trade network of the united state and the symbol of success, liberty and freedom of the country. While explaining this, the team hear an explosion outside in the street. Then the stranger claims that this is the citizens of the Sun who came to capture her.
Legacy asks The Wraith and Bunker to escort the stranger to safety while the others members will try to stop the attack in the street. Legacy turns to the man in the cryo-chamber and tells him that he will need his help if he wants to. The man in the Cryo chamber jump in a suit and get out of the room. The Wraith tell the group to hurry up and they go on the roof top where The Wraith has already everything in place for an emergency evacuation.
During that time when the other trio reaches the explosion location, they see three persons using power to create chaos in the street. They have to stop them. While the Three members fighting the 3 citizens, the others go try to secure the witness. But Wraith notices that someone is following them. At the last moment, she notices te fire coming out of a shooter on one of the rooftops. The Wraith jump and tackle the witness to save her life.
The battle is Ambuscade in Megalopolis vs The Wraith, Bunker and Expatriette.
Special Rules: Expatriette having stashed her arsenal on a warehouse before visiting the Freedom Four Head Quarter, only have concealed on herself the hanguns, Pride and Prejudice. Expatriette can't use Assault Rifle, RPG Lanucher, Submachine Gun and Tactical Shotgun. (Can use Arsenal Access but have to pick Ammo, flack Jacket, Pride or Prejudice first. Can take other guns if there is nothing else to pick, but can't use it.)
1) Expatriette is incapacitated. She is considered captured by Ambuscade and cannot reveal the details of what she knows about the terrorist actions planned against Megalopolis. The next battle will be against citizen Dawn and will be on Advanced setting. Any heroes incapacitated in the battle against Ambuscade can't take part in the next battle against Citizen Dawn.
2) The heroes won without Expatriette incapacitated. She reveals the location of the secret hideout of the organization. The heroes will know where to strike and to strike when the citizens are not ready. The next battle against Citizen Dawn is on normal. Any heroes incapacitated during the battle against Ambuscade will not be able to take part in the next battle. Expatriette has to be in the battle. The player can choose any heroes from that pool who were not incapacitated last battle. Legacy, Tachyon, Bunker, Wraith & Absolute Zero.
3) Ambuscade win and capture Expatriette. The heroes don'T know where Expatriette is kept until later in the story. Next battle against Citizen Dawn will be on advanced. The Heroes will be Legacy, Tachyon and Absolute Zero. If Legacy or Tachyon is missing from the last chapter, the team managed to save a young man who was imprisoned by Baron Blade. Then, the third hero will be Setback.
So following the last outcome the next battle is against Citizen Dawn in Megalopolis. Either on advanced or normal. The hero pool to choose from depending of the differents outcome of the previous battles.
If Expatriette is incapacitated in any of the battles in chapter 2, she is considered captured and held somewhere by The Citizens of the Sun. If she never gets incapacitated, she is available as part of the hero pool to help the Freedom Four on differents missions from now on.