Friend Group Campaigns

I'm interested to hear about other people's own personal campaigns they've had with their own gaming groups. We just finished ours, going through every villain with appropriate environments, and making our score based on how many heroes we lost. If a hero was incapacitated during a game, they were considered dead and could not be used for the rest of the campaign. In the end, we scored 16/18, losing only Expatriette and Chrono-Ranger against Citizen Dawn.

So, anyone care to share challenges or campaigns they've done exclusively with their own gaming groups?

The main one I've done is the Nemesis Challenge, I came up with that when my cousin Max was over last year and we had time to play just the two of us and he didn't want to do multiple heroes.  I added the support deck idea (read it on BGG) because (H)=2 doesn't ever work, and 2 heroes at (H)=3 is not fun.

The nemesis challenge is a hero vs. their nemesis, the hero gets to hand pick a friend to join them, you come up with a story, and create the support deck from that story.  You also have to be careful to avoid certain things against certain villains, like TLT vs. anyone where shuffling the trash into the deck ruins the villain, or having a support deck full of "One hero may play a card" abilities when Unity is in the game.

I've run a similar Nemesis Challenge with some friends, except we do it a little differently.

  • Get 5 people together to make a team of 5 (typically random, though if someone really wants to choose we don't stop them)
  • Randomize 5 different environments
  • Your 5 man team much face off against each Nemeses of each hero for a total of 5 matches.

For instance, a team of Fanatic, Argent Adept, Chrono Ranger, Legacy, and Absolute Zero must face off against Apostate, Akash'Bhuta, Plague Rat, Baron Blade, and Iron Legacy.

Iron Legacy cannot be fought twice in one campaign.  So if you have Absolute Zero, Bunker, and/or Unity on the same team, you must choose other villains to fill the Nemesis slot.  If Iron Legacy was already fought with Absolute Zero, Bunker, and Unity (in which case, only AZ would get the +1 damage dealt/received bonus), then for Bunker randomize another villain and pretend the Nemesis bonus applies to him.  Then find a third villain for Unity to face off against once the other two matches are said and done is said and done.

The Scholar becomes Nemeses with Kismet, La Capitan, or Miss Information, since their Nemeses are not yet available (soon!)

It's just something my friends and I have toyed around with, but it's been fun!

I don't have a regular playgroup that just plays Sentinels routinely...there are several frequent recurrers, but the only "campaign" I can setup is inside my own mind.  I've made a sort of mini-epic out of my initially-coincidental battles against a few villains, most notably Kismet, Omnitron, the Dreamer and Spite; I add a little extra story to these battles to spice them up, but nobody else is really in on the fun.

I like campaigns where your heroes are arranged to mimic other hero groups. Wraith, Young Legacy, Bunker, Naturalist, and Nightmist vs. Ambuscade or Gloomweaver for Teen Titans; Haka, Grandpa Legacy, Parse, Ra, and either Absolute Zero, G.I. Bunker, or -- when she comes out -- one of the heroes for the next expansion after Vengeance (Her name is mentioned in Vengeance, and she is shown on the box of the next expansion, which itself is shown on the Vengeance box; it's not under the NDA at this point but in the interest of spoilers I won't mention her name) against Omnitron, Voss, or Kismet as the Avengers; The Sentinels (primarily Writhe, Dr. Medico, and The Idealist), Tachyon, Fanatic, Legacy, and Price of Freedom or Rook City Wraith vs. Baron Blade or Apostate as the Justice League; or Visionary, K.N.Y.F.E., Absolute Zero, Haka, and Tempest vs. Citizen Dawn as the X-Men.

Hi there!  SotM forum noob, here.  My brother introduced me to the game and we've had a blast with it.  We ran a campaign of sorts with some buddies over Christmas that I wrote using inklewriter.  I loved the lore of the game and tried to separate each encounter into "issues" like comic books. It's pretty lengthy.  We played for 12 hours straight and didn't quite finish it, but it really added a cool dimension to the game.  Here's the link to the campaign: If you guys try it, let me know what you think.  We didn't use the Story Challenge sheets with it, but it might be worth incorporating next time.

i sant down and made a sentinels storyline esq thing where you start with ww2 legacy and gi bunker and mr fixer in ww2 and add characters as people "meet" them in the story adding in actually tem games once all the members have been met, ended up wbeing around 30 games. keeping track of who got the first hit and making that hero also count as a nemesis in future games

tracerbullet23, that looks like it might be fun! How many episodes is it in all?

And, welcome to the forums!


I remember hearing about Inkle, but never visited.  Didn't even think aobut it whan I started writing my saga.

I like how you did yours, should be fun.

And now I'm going to go work on putting my storyline into Inkle, so thanks for that too.

I'm only three games (one of them in progress on this forum) away from completing my first 108 games - 6 against every villain and 9 in every environment, with a few exceptions - and with Vengeance about to become available to me (assuming I can spare the $40), I'll probably call this the end of my "campaign", which has featured some interesting subtext related mostly to battles involving Kismet and Akash'Bhuta.

In the wake of last night's game I think I have decided to officially treat Scholar and Miss Information as nemeses.  The game is just too much of a slog otherwise with both of them usually having DR 2, plus it fits their respective personalities, and since I don't yet have Parse, neither of them has a nemesis otherwise.

1) Welcome to the forums tracerbullet23!

2) I once did a camaign with a randomized first game, then thematically chose the other games, all I remember is that Iron Legacy crossed into the main time and rampaged for 3 games until we finally took him out otherwise it had just been random games.

Thanks for the welcome!  I made 14 "issues" or episodes.  Some have multiple battles and/or paths.  I tried to incorporate every single character and villain in some form or fashion.

It's a pretty neat tool.  Let me know if you run into any problems.  It took some long hours of trial and error to line things out the right way.  If I do another one, I'll probably write everything in Word first, then post and format into Inkle.

I've been trying to do just that, having to refom all the paragraphs is a nuisance, but not too bad.  Mostly I just need to learn the system better, which will happen as I use it.

30 episodes and thank you :)


Carriage Returns dropped out. Gack! Will fix this evening.

We usually play at my friend Scott’s house and he proposed that we not move onto the Expansions (only RC was out but we knew IR was on its way) until we’d beaten the Base Set Villains. After we completed that and got into RC we got off track. (Ix and I were to blame, kept wanting to bring in heroes and environments from IR.) Anyway, I’m trying to get us back to a regularly scheduled Sentinels night and am propsing formalizing the Challenge (and starting over. Here’s what I’ve got so far:


RULES: The Base Game and the expansions are played through in the order they were released, with Villains being fought against in alphabetical order within the set. Each Villain in the set must be defeated before moving onto the next Expansion. Each Environment in the set must have been the setting for a victorious game before moving on, though they may be played in any order and in any combination with the Villains (except as noted for the Tomb of Anubis). Only Heroes in the Base Game and any Expansion up through the one being played may be used. Exceptions: (1) Each Villain must be defeated by a team of Heroes that includes that Villain’s Nemesis, so(for example) Omnitron X must be used when facing Omnitron even though Omnitron X was not released until much later. Once Omnitron is defeated, Omnitron X is available against any subsequent Villain. (2) Unity, the Scholar, and the Naturalist are available when noted below; they would not become available otherwise. (3) After a Hero has been used in a victorious game, any/all Promotional versions of that Hero may also be used.) Heroes are noted in the list below when they become available “early”.

Base Set / Enhanced Edition Challenges available Heros:
[] Legacy and team defeats Baron Blade
Available Heroes: Absolute Zero, Bunker, Fanatic, Haka, Legacy, Ra, Tachyon, Tempest, Visionary, Wraith
] Expatriette and team defeats Citizen Dawn
Available Heroes: as above plus Expatriette
[] Tempest and team defeats Grand Warlord Voss
Available Heroes: as above
] Omnitron X and team defeats Omnitron
Available Heroes: as above plus Omnitron X
[] victory on Insula Primalis
] victory in Megalopolis
[] victory in the Ruins of Atlantis
] victory at Wagner Mars Base

Rook City Expansion Challenges
[] Mr. Fixer and team defeats The Chairman
Available Heroes: as above plus Mr. Fixer, Expatriette, Unity (available due to her links to Rook City)
] Tachyon and team defeats The Matriarch
Available Heroes: as above
[] Chrono-Ranger and team defeats Plague Rat
Available Heroes: as above plus Chrono-Ranger
] Wraith and team defeats Spite
Available Heroes: as above
[] victory in the Pike Industrial Complex
] victory in Rook City

Mini-Expansion Challenge #1
[__] Haka and team defeats Ambuscade
Available Heroes: as above

Infernal Relics Expansion Challenges
[] Argent Adept and team defeats Akash’Bhuta
Available Heroes: as above plus Argent Adept, Nightmist, Scholar, Naturalist (available due to their mystical nature)
] Fanatic and team defeat Apostate
Available Heroes: as above
[] Ra and team defeat The Ennead in the Tomb of Anubis (Exception to the Environment Rules)
Available Heroes: as above
] Nightmist and team defeat Gloomweaver
Available Heroes: as above
[__] victory in the Realm of Discord

Mini-Expansion Challenge #2
[__] Parse and team defeats Miss Information
Available Heroes: as above plus Parse*

Shattered Timelines Expansion Challenges
[] Visionary and team defeats The Dreamer
Available Heroes: as above plus Freedom 6 & Eternal Haka Promos (available due to storyline)
] any team defeats Iron Legacy
Available Heroes: as above
[] Setback and team defeats Kismet
Available Heroes: as above plus Setback
] The Sentinels and team defeats La Capitan
Available Heroes: as above plus The Sentinels
[] victory at The Block with K.N.Y.F.E. on the team
Available Heroes: as above plus K.N.Y.F.E. (available due to her links to The Block)
] victory in The Final Wasteland (ST-related Mini-Expansion)
[] victory in Silver Gulch, 1883 (ST-related Mini-Expansion)
] victory during the Time Cataclysm

EDIT: fixed missing carriage returns