Fright Train

I guess Baron Blade choo-choo-choose the right guy for the job!

I'll be honest, I'm sort of disappointed by Fright Train.  I figured he'd be a bulky Rhino type villain, but there is nothing super dastardly about him.  I guess we always need this type of villain, but when compared to the villains from Shattered Timelines, he just doesn't get there. 

I think thats the point. The Rhino isn't very "dasterdly" either. But as a member of the Sinister Six he's a menace! ALso, I like some Villains that are just out for personal gain like, revenge, money, or neighbourhood shenadigans! Like Juggernaut!

Well, he isn't a particulary origional villian, but the whole revenge angle fits for him, and makes his choice to join the Freedom Six a very satisfying arc. As long as he slings train-related puns, I'm all-aboard!

Yes, if Bunker from the future is a reformed Fright Train as we think, it will be a fun situation to have future bunker fight the Vengeful Five :D

Awesome. It couldn`t be better for me. Fright train may be not so interesting alone but if we look at him from different angle he is great. He is a great nemesis for bunker. Where bunker hides behind a technology in the toy that he got from army - fright train fights like a real man. Vance got a new toy and orders - Grave was fighting with him - what do he got?  A injuries that destroyed his life. Bunker get hit in exosuit - no big deal , fright train is taking hit in his muscles - thats got to hurt. Vance is shooting safely from afar , Grave is collosal force that like to smash enemies with his bare fists. Grave is a shadow of Vance glory like day and night.  The best part though - it seems that train didn`t know that bunker is a Vance , at least there is no word about it in update , until blade came and told him. This really got to make him angry and lit the fire of revenge in his heart. Just awesome.

I thought it was said before that Bunker and Fright Train weren't going to be nemesis?

Also that bit on the front of a locomotive that his helmet resembles is called a cattle guard.

I was never able to tell from pictures of Fright Train if that cow catcher thing was a helmet or if he had no head and it was a chest piece. Now I know. 

I'm content with FT's background. Seems normal to me that if you're the big-time bad guy, you get the full Shakespearean background treatment,  but if you're one of the guys standing behind someone else in the picture, you get a little less. There can only be so many primadonnas on the team at once. 

Exactly! Team s whether they're evil or good can't have all leaders or divas!

He fits The Brute's Role!


I'm pretty sure I have seen most things that have gone up on this site and anywhere that's been linked, and I had never seen anything "official" that said that.  (That is, something from a creator.)  Some people were saying it, though, so others took up the call.

That said, there still might exist a miniscule chance that Fright Train is somehow not Bunker's nemesis, despite the evidence.  Perhaps the VV are missing the standard nemesis style.

FT HAS to be Bunker's Nemesis. The signs point all there. The jelousy, the history, the similar styles of fighting (big, heavy militaryesque), the promo card from ST. Unless >G does something out of left field I don't know what else works

If you can find the thread from waaaaaay back when we got the first teaser image of Fright Train before we even knew he was called Fright Train (not an easy feat, I've tried). The posibility of him being Bunkers nemesis was discused and shot down. I could be misremembering this (that is always a posibility) but a quick search of the forums shows at least three other people remembering the same thing.

Also based on the likelyhood that Fright Train is the alternate bunker wouldn't that make him his own nemesis as well?

I know exactly what you were talking about. I think I remember that happening. At our discussion of "the guy with the cow catcher", Adam posted an image of him he drew a long time ago. Kismet's nemesis was even there! But back then, it looked like FrightTrain was WAY bigger than a normal person.

I'm inclined to think that Siege Breaker (the guy getting toasted on the Argent Adept's Polyphoric Flare card) is going to be Bunker's nemesis. He's in an armored suit and Bunker/Siege Breaker are words that seem to have a relationship with each other. Of course, there's no rule that says a hero can't have more than one nemesis.

True, but in other images on twitter, we've seen Siege-Breaker be a part of another deck, not his own, so he can't be Bunker's nemesis. It'd be far too strange for someone who isn't a villain character (exception of Anubis!) to be someone's nemesis.

I'm another that recalls reading that Fright Train was not going to be Bunker's nemesis. Which is making me extremely curious how the nemesis mechanic will work in Vengeance. It does appearantly have some new gameplay elements, so I wonder if they will be nemesis to all heroes perhaps? Maybe none at all? Maybe they'll be nemesis for the Freedom Five, much like a new villian from Shattered Timelines will be for the Freedom Six. Since the question was "Is he Bunker's nemesis?" which was shot down, but maybe if asked if he will be the Freedom Five's nemesis it may have resulted in a different answer.


Or maybe they just decided to change their minds? Hopefully we reach 150k so he don't have to wait two years to find out.

I also remember 'not his nemesis' but I took that to mean "not going to be his nemesis in a released expansion" (possibly a nemesis for a 'promo deck' or the like), he could still mechanically be a nemesis of Bunker but in a "Dude, you are not my nemesis" kind of way.

I can't say if Fright Train is or is not Bunker's nemesis, but I can give you my recollection: No one from >G said Fright Train was not Bunker's nemesis - that was something we the forum members came up with by extrapolating from a comment Adam made that he'd created Fright Train long ago. I believe this has, like many myths, grown to be significantly different from it's original form. :wink:


You are completely correct Rabit, I blame Ronway for posting this and you (Rabit) being all mysterious and posting this, affecting a knowing air and hinting at forbidden knowledge. It's almost as tantalising as a post by Christopher!

Not entirely my fault, if only the original post could be found again to clear everything up to see what exactly was said. Since things are getting more confusing as time goes by. Guess we will find out a for sure answer soon enough.